One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 215

Soon, Ye Tong came to Gion's small courtyard.

Hina, Kuina, Tashigi are all here.

As for the others, separate accommodation was arranged.

"Gion, where is Sister He?"

"Didn't you tell me to find her when I came back?"

After Ye Tong entered the yard , and said while cleaning up the trash.

"Sister He and the others are in the Marine Conference Hall now. If you come back, just go directly."

Gion also said slowly.

"Conference Hall, I got it."

Ye Tong muttered and continued to sweep the floor.

In more than three hours, Ye Tong also cleaned up the place.

"Gion, I'll go first."

"I'll be back soon, don't worry about it."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, also left quickly.

"Hina, Gion elder sister, aren't you all worried about Ye Tong?"

Kuina said with some doubts.

You know, according to what Ye Tong did before, this time, he will definitely encounter big trouble.

But looking at Hina and Gion, they don't seem to be worried at all.

"Worried about him?"

"No, I'm more worried about the other Marine officers!"

Gion said with a smile.

"Hina feels the same way, there is nothing to worry about."

Hina also said directly.

After hearing what the two of them said, Kuina was even more puzzled.

However, since both of them said Ye Tong is fine, it should be fine.

Marine General Conference Hall.

"This guy, how long are we going to wait!?"

Sakazuki said with some dissatisfaction.


At this time, the doors of the Conference Hall were also opened.

"Sakazuki, are you very dissatisfied with my being late?"

"Where's my stuff?"

At this time, Ye Tong is also a shaver. Appeared beside Sakazuki, slowly said.


"I'll give it to you after the meeting."

Sakazuki also lost his temper all of a sudden.

"Okay, Ye Tong, you're here, just go to your seat and sit down."

"This time, it's mainly about you..."

< p>"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

Before Sengoku could finish speaking, Ye Tong slowly walked to the front.

"Isn't it because some people don't want me to take this position, I actually feel the same way."

"I was originally a cleaner."

< p>"Now, should I do something Marine."

"I'd better be a cleaner."

"To make up for my past mistakes, I am willing to give it to everyone present for free, and clean up the garbage for one year in a row."

Ye Tong also said slowly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone's faces showed fear.

If you really want to do things according to the law, at best it seems to be demoting him to the cleaners.

In this case, not only will this guy not be doing anything for Marine.

Even, there are enough excuses to go to them for garbage.

"I think Captain Nezumi has violated Marine's justice."

"Mr. Ye Tong. I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did."

"If we all fail to uphold absolute justice, Marine's majesty will cease to exist."

"When the time comes, what face do we have to call ourselves justice?!"


At this point, Sakazuki stood up first and said slowly.

During this time, he has been preparing rubbish for Ye Tong.

Because of the undercover thing.

Now, if Ye Tong has a well-deserved position, shouldn't he come every day?

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