One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 236

"It's alright, it's alright."

"I'm feeling a little sick, I'm going back to rest for a while."

Ye Tong said He also went back to Battleship and locked himself in the cabin.

The ten fragments just now are all about the making of this weapon.

And, it's a complete production.

These materials needed above, just a lot of fresh Treasure Wood Adam.

There are also some special materials that I have never heard of.

After all, Ye Tong is not clear about some technical terms of shipbuilding.

The only thing I understand is that this stuff is expensive.

Now, he actually turned a complete weapon into ten fragments.

Be aware that you can still pick up debris if you go to the island given by Crocus.

But now...

It hurts to think about this!

"peng peng peng."

"Ye Tong, Mr. Tom is here and wants to see you."

At this time, the door rang Tashigi's voice.


"Yeah, I don't know these things, but Tom must know them!"

"I should see him Look, if it's not expensive, it can be used."

Ye Tong thought of this and quickly left his cabin,

"Mr Tom, I didn't know you came here. Looking for me, what's the matter?"

Ye Tong came out and saw the furry Tom.

"I don't have anything to do, I just came to say thank you on behalf of the boatmen of Water 7."

"In the future, if there is anything I can use Tom's , I must..."

"I have something I want to ask Mr. Tom right now, let's go to the reception room to chat!"

Ye Tong said, also very enthusiastic Went to Tom's side.

Then, greeted Tom inside.

The two sat in the reception room, and Hina also brought them some refreshments and black tea.

"I don't know what Ye Tong Rear Admiral has to do. I need Tom?"

Tom is also a little confused.

He had seen Ye Tong take action, such a powerhouse, and it was Marine.

Do you want to build a boat for him too?

"Do you have the Dark King design?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

Tom was also stunned when he heard Ye Tong's words.

He didn't expect that Ye Tong actually came for this.

Also, this information has been hidden very well!

Why does Ye Tong know such information?

"I don't."

Tom also directly denied it.

Even if he were to die here because of this incident, he would not tell this secret that should have been kept in dust.

"Okay, then if I have one, can you help me make it?"

Ye Tong also asked again.

"You have!"

Tom stood up instantly and looked at Ye Tong in awe.

After all, the Dark King is the ultimate pursuit of the boatmen!

"Look at it, this is a part."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also took out the ten fragments he obtained earlier and put them on the table.

"This is... the eternal energy cannon, swallowing the slaughter cannon!"

"But you didn't know what it was before, but why did you have this in your hand 's design?"

"Could it be that you made the Devouring Cannon in Pirate's hands?"

"Don't you know, Dark alone King doesn't have a core, when using it..."

Tom said here and stopped.

Because he knew, he was being told.

Now, Ye Tong should be sure that he has the Dark King blueprint.

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