One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 237

"Without the core, it will devour people's life force, right?"

"What exactly is this core?"

< p>Ye Tong also asked directly.

"I don't know how to make this core."

"Because, the most central design drawing is missing."

"In my hand The Dark King blueprint of Ye Tong is only incomplete. Even, it is not as well preserved as the one in your hand."

Though Tom was talking, his eyes never left Ye Tong's blueprint.

"Mr. Tom, you've also been in Water 7 for a long time."

"Also, the sea train you built has completed what you should do to this world. My mission."

"How about it, do you want to get on my boat like a famous man?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

Hearing this, Tom was stunned.

As a top boatman, why doesn't he want to go to the sea?


"Hahaha, that's it!"

"It's a man, so he should get on board."

"Presumably my identity, Ye Tong Rear Admiral has already arranged."

Tom also said directly.

"Okay, we won't talk about such obvious things."

"You promise to hurt my boat, then this is yours."


"Okay, I still have some things to do for now, Mr. Tom should be very busy too."

"I'm going out first."

Ye Tong said He also put the remaining fifty pieces of himself on the table and left directly.

Tom looked at the wonderful composition on the table, and the clear composition.

It must not be drawn by ordinary people. This must be a super top boatman to draw such a thing.

In Tom's eyes, every line here is like a peerless beauty.

Tom quickly immersed himself in it.

Ye Tong looked at Tom and knew that Tom couldn't live without his boat.

So Ye Tong also went to pick up the trash.

Water 7, but there are many people.

Furthermore, this is a famous boat factory.

All kinds of discarded materials, all kinds of garbage made by people.

Even, there are many famous people who have been here and have left something behind.

And these things are Ye Tong's goals.

"Do you really have the Dark King design?"

At this time, Garp also followed Ye Tong.

Originally, Garp usually didn't care about such things.

But things are getting bigger now, let's not say Ye Tong is his Disciple.

Even if not, it's a matter of Dark King's blueprints!

This thing is not an ordinary thing, even Garp should be moved!

"Yeah, didn't I say that?"

"I'll make this thing, and I'll make Dark King my own thing."

"Sensei, I can tell you everything, you can't sell me!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also turned into lightning and left.

"Hey, this brat..."

"It really gave me a big hole!"

Garp did not continue to follow, but stopped at in place.

Although on the surface Garp was indifferent to Marine's affairs.

Actually, Garp has his own perception of many things.


After thinking about it, Garp still took out the Den Den Mushi.

At this time, Ye Tong also came to Tom's shipyard and started to clean it up.

Ye Tong also knows that there is another main character here, that is Franky!

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