One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 317

After sorting out his things, Ye Tong also saw some light.

In other words, I should have arrived at Fishman Island soon.


As the light became brighter, dog head also appeared on the sea with Ye Tong.

Then the dog head Sea King class ran away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Tong was stunned.

I'm going to Fishman Island, where did this guy take him?

Looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, Ye Tong's brain ached.

I seem to have been sent to an unfamiliar environment!

Afterwards, Ye Tong also took out his eternal pointer.

"Sabaody Archipelago is here, that is to say, here is the Grand Line."

"But here?"

At this point, Ye Tong directly expands He took his own wings and flew into the air.

Soon, I saw a small island.

"Let's go and have a look first."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also quickly flew to the island.

Soon, the island in front of me slowly enlarged.

And the island in front of me is actually an island that Ye Tong is very familiar with.

This island is full of meat.

Whether it's on trees, grass, flowers.

It's all meat.

This is the Boeing Islands that Usopp came to after being slapped by a bear.

In fact, this is not an island, but a huge plant.

Stormac Baron, known as the Baron of the Stomach.

Soon, Ye Tong landed on the island.

"puff puff puff..."

Just as Ye Tong landed on the Boeing Islands, countless insects poured out of the ground and attacked Ye Tong directly.

"One cut!"

Ye Tong lifted Murasame in his hands, and instantly killed more than a dozen giant Insects here.

"Good strength."

"Marine, why are you here?"

At this time, another familiar person appeared in front of Ye Tong.

This person is Sensei of Usopp, Sea Koalas.

"When did the Boeing Islands allow Marine to land?"

"I'm still a little curious about your identity."

Ye Tong smiled hehe looking at the sea in front of Koalas.

This guy is very mysterious.

Some say he was the Pirate King's sniper, others say he was Rolando four hundred years ago.

No matter who he is, his identity is very exciting!

"So young Rear Admiral, only you, Grote Ye Tong Rear Admiral?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do here? "

Hai Koalas also said with some ease.

"I was brought here by the Sea King class, I'm going to Sabaody Archipelago to find Rayleigh uncle, then ask him to give me another boat, I'm going to Fishman Island."

Ye Tong is also said with a smile.

Because Ye Tong knew that this man and the bear should have something to do with it.

In other words, now he may even be a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Therefore, the current state of the relationship between the two will be so harmonious.

"So, how are you going to get there?"

"Or do you want to eat something with me before you leave?!"

Hay Koalas asked directly.

"You cultivated these plants, right?"

"Also, do you have the ability to communicate with plants, half awakened and listening to all things?"

Ye Tong did not answer Hay Koalas' question, but asked directly.

"As expected of the leader, and I have never met, but know so many things."

Hai Koalas is also directly replied.

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