One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 318

In the words of Hai Koalas, it is to acknowledge what Ye Tong said.

"Sure enough, you belong to the dragon."

"Can you tell me who you are?"

Ye Tong also cares about himself the most. questions were asked.

You know, Ye Tong was very interested in Hai Koalas from the beginning.

Because of this person's identity, he is too mysterious.

Have superb sniping skills, as well as strong botany.

Such a magical existence is only on such an island, accompanied by plants in obscurity.

You know, there is no one here except flowers, plants, insects and fish!


"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, who do you think I am?"

Ha Koala said indifferently.

"Based on the situation you just met me, you should have done Pirate before."

"Then, now that I know, to be able to have such spear skills, There are only those people."

"I basically know all the other people. But I have never met the expert in spear art that Rayleigh also knows."

"You are Is it a sniper on Roger's ship?"

Ye Tong also expressed his speculation [actually, the speculation of a previous Everbright netizen].

"Half guessed right."

"Half the remaining half, beat me."

"I'll tell you."

< p>"As a leader, you must have corresponding strengths, right?"

After Hai Koalas finished speaking, he raised his wings and disappeared from Ye Tong's sight.

Ye Tong laughed after seeing Hai Koalas disappear.

He directly raised his wings and retreated to the sea.

Then, the endless white began to spread.

Soon, it turned into a Snow and Ice World.

Just like the battle with Kukuri before, a super huge battle field was created directly.

"Hakoalas, this is the battlefield."

"I don't want to be affected by the battle at Baron of the Stomach!"

Ye After Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared directly into this ice and snow forest.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the next moment, Hai Koalas appeared on the ice.

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, isn't it bad for you to do this?"

"This ice is made by you, you will feel it when you are here, right? ?"

Hai Koala said slowly.

"Relax, I won't use the ice attribute ability."

"Let's start!"

Ye Tong's voice is also on this ice layer echoed.

simply could not rely on the sound to locate Ye Tong.

"green·roaring giant wolf!"

"red·Johnson's flower!"

Afterwards, Hai Koalas also took out a slingshot and directly Two bullets were fired.

After the two bullets flew out, the roaring giant wolf charged and left a green liquid.

And the flowers of Johnson & Johnson that appeared later also began to bloom bright red flowers from the green liquid.


At this time, one after another lightning, also directly hit Hai Koalas.


Hai Koalas slowly came out of a huge plant.

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, your attack power is very good."

"However, as a warrior, is it a bit too arrogant to strike with me as a long-range sniper? ?"

Ha Koalas also said jokingly.

"Hi Koalas, your main battle strength is not sniping, right?"

"Sniping is too amateur."

"peng peng peng..."

next moment, countless bullets shot at Hai Koalas.

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