One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 333

Soon, Ye Tong came to Coconut Island through the location of his stand-in.

"Sir, are you back?"

"Is it really good to work with the Vinsmoke family?"

"They are notorious in the world. The killer family. The crime committed is enough to shock the world."

Issho sensed Ye Tong's return and said directly.

"Mr. Issho, the Vinsmoke family, you should know better."

"Are there civilians who were assassinated by them?"

Ye Tong said jokingly.

Issho was stunned when he heard Ye Tong's words.

It seems that there is really no such thing!

After all, inviting the people of the Vinsmoke family will cost a lot.

Civilians are not worth letting them do it.

"Do you mean that they also represent the will of the common people?"

Issho has been a little confused recently.

"It's not that they represent civilians, it's that they are not a threat to civilians."

"What they have to do, for us, is an indispensable help!"


"By the way, how is the situation here?"

Ye Tong asked again.

"Uh, I've been sick here all the time and I haven't been out."

Issho was stunned for a while, then said slowly with a look like I didn't know anything.

After hearing Issho's words, Ye Tong also scratched his head, then put away his stand-in and left quickly.

As Ye Tong left, Issho finally walked out of the room.

As for Kuina, it was also released by Ye Tong.

Soon, Ye Tong found Hina and the others.

At this time, they are doing battle training, and Tashigi's strength is also improving.

Although it is not as terrifying as Kuina's improvement, it has reached the strength of Commodore.

"Tashigi, come here."

Ye Tong also called directly after he appeared on the beach.

Hearing Ye Tong's voice, it wasn't just Tashigi who came over.

Hina and Gion also came together.

"What's the matter, Ye Tong Rear Admiral?"

Tashigi looked at Ye Tong with some doubts.

"Here, your sword is no longer suitable for your current strength."

Ye Tong took out the spirit ring and handed it to Tashigi.

"This is O Wazamono, the spirit ring?!"

Tashigi was also a little excited when he saw the spirit ring in Ye Tong's hands.

After all, how could a swordsman not wish he had a better knife?

"Why give it to me?"

Tashigi calmed down instantly after being excited.

O Wazamono is a great value.

Hina and Gion are Ye Tong's women, but now Ye Tong is giving himself gifts alone.

This...does Ye Tong want me to...

no no no, impossible.

Hina and Gion are both so...I'm also very cute...

next moment, countless images appeared in Tashigi's mind in an instant.

"Because you use a knife."

"Gion has Jin Kunluo, Hina doesn't need a knife."

"As for Kuina, there is also O Wazamono Yes, so I gave it to you."

Ye Tong scratched his head and said slowly.


In an instant, all of Tashigi's fantasies shattered.

"So that's what it is...Thank you Ye Tong Rear Admiral."

Tashigi also took the sound from Ye Tong's hand.

"You guys continue training, Mr. Issho will be here soon."

"I'll go around the island for a while."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, also Quickly rushed out.

"This guy didn't even know how to talk to us and ran away!"

Gion said with some coquettish anger.


At this time, Ye Tong also started to clean up the garbage by himself.

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