One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 334

Soon, Ye Tong cleaned up the garbage here.

There is only a small village here, so the amount of garbage that can be produced is not much.

So, it only took more than an hour to clean up this place.

After cleaning up, Ye Tong came to the coastline.

At this time, a familiar person was sitting on the beach drinking.


"Why, as Yonko, are you so busy?"

Ye Tong said with a playful look.

I also walked to the beach and sat down, then poured myself a glass of champagne.

"I'm very busy."

"I can't go where I want to go. I've already been to the places I can."

Shanks also pointedly said.


Ye Tong also said subconsciously.

Shanks did not answer, and Ye Tong did not continue to ask.

Soon, the two drank wine for half an hour.

"Although we have known each other since you were very young."

"However, I really didn't expect that the person who was cleaning in the bar would become Akatsuki's leader."

"Time flies so fast."

"The little demons back then have all become famous people at sea!"


After Shanks finished speaking, he also threw two bounty orders.

"Monkey D Luffy, 27 million bounty."

"Portgas D. Ace, 36 million bounty."

Well, it's all thousands 10,000 Pirates!

Looking at the bounty of the two, Ye Tong also sighed.

After all, these two people are only in their teens now!

Perhaps because I taught them Haki in advance, their strength has been greatly improved.

So, let's go to sea ahead of time.

As for Sabo, he must have joined the dragon organization now, right?

"It's amazing!"

"But Shanks, what is there that makes you willing to gamble with one arm?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

"What is there?"

"I also want to know, what is there!"

"I didn't go there at the beginning, and I don't know the final The place."

"I only know that the captain left a word, don't go to the island."

Shanks laughed, some helplessly said.

"Yonko, also has something to do with Xiao?"

At this time, a tall silhouette also appeared here.

It was Vinsmoke Gage.

"The emperor of North Blue, actually acknowledged allegiance Yu Xiao."

"Ye Tong little demon, you are really beyond my expectations!"

< p>"However, it's already staring at you. What to do... Forget it, you know better than me."

"Okay, I'll go first."

< p>Shanks said and was about to leave.

After all, Gage is here, he must have something to say to Ye Tong.

Is it annoying to stay here?

"Shanks, I want to know, where is your boat?"

Before Shanks left, Ye Tong also stood up and asked directly.

"On the east side, opposite your Battleship."

"What, you..."

"I want to sit over there."< /p>

Ye Tong opened his mouth and said with a smile.

"Let's go."

After Shanks finished speaking, he also disappeared directly here.

And Ye Tong, who also activated his ability, disappeared here.

For a while, Gaji was stunned.

Who am I, where am I, and what do I do?

Meanwhile, Ye Tong came to Shanks' ship.

After eating a meal, I robbed a pile of garbage by the way.

Then, satisfied and left.

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