One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 342

"Issho uncle, when I leave for a while, let's break it down."


"Boom boom boom ..."

At this time, there was a huge explosion in the town.

"Looks like someone did it for us."

"Big, big..."

Soon, there's Issho roaring over there Voice.

This guy is rolling dice with others again!

Ye Tong put down the ring in his hand and went in the direction of the explosion.

The streets here have been swept, since someone is making trouble.

Let's take a look first, at least the damaged places should have more garbage than here!

"Quick, hand over all the valuables."

A high-pitched voice came out, and the voice of peng peng came out at the same time.

Soon, the two silhouettes slowly walked out of the dust.

"You... Whitebeard Jr. huh?"

"Edward Weibull."

"hehe, didn't expect to meet here It's your turn!"

Ye Tong's mouth also showed a smile.

This guy is a good time bomb!

"You know me?"

"Mama, this big brother, knows my name!"

Weibull is a little happy to his mother said.

"Marine Rear Admiral, Grote Ye Tong who picks up trash?"

"Damn, why are you here?"

MISS Ba Jin is somewhat said in horror.

Although Weibull's strength is very strong, it is still a bit difficult to face such an existence.

And, she also knew that this Marine could be promoted to Vice Admiral.

"Are you going back with me?"

"Or, I'll maim you and then take me back?"

Ye Tong Saying that, he pulled out his Murasame directly.

"You... Weibull, this guy is going to kill me!"

"Save me!"

Ba Jin in that shrill voice, shouted loudly.

next moment, the innocent look on Weibull's face also disappeared.

A huge aura appeared on him.

"You're going to hurt my mother, I'll kill you!"

Weibull directly lifted the big knife in his hand and slashed at Ye Tong.

"Such a clumsy attack, really..."

"Ittoryu · Endless Cherry Blossoms!"

Ye Tong moved his body quickly, swinging quickly Knife.

A second later, Weibull fell to the ground.

There are multiple wounds on the body and the blood is gurgling.

"Want to leave?"

"Sorry, I didn't agree!"

Just as Ba Jin was about to run away with his belongings, Ye Tong Also slowly said.

Then, a long knife fell in front of Ba Jin.


next moment, a cloud of dust rose directly from where Ye Tong was.

"Sure enough, this monster's resilience is not bad."

"Thunder Dragon!"

Ye Tong lifted his hand and released it directly on Ba Jin Thunder Dragon.


"You are not allowed to hurt my mother."

Weibull moved in front of Ba Jin at a super fast speed, Blocked Thunder Dragon.

Then, pounced on Ye Tong again.

"What a headache!"

"Kuina, the liar will leave it to you."

"Hina, contact the headquarters, come here to bring someone Go back."

"They will definitely be interested in this guy."

Ye Tong also said with a smile.

This guy is very useful, I have been looking for him.

didn't expect to meet him here.

"Ah, I said no harm..."


Weibull slashed at Kuina, stirring up again A puff of dust.

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