One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 343

“Ye Tong!”

Seeing Ye Tong being hit, Kuina was also very nervous.

I couldn't help crying.


"The wound of three or four centimeters healed in an instant."

"You are a life force, really not a cover. Yes."

Ye Tong appeared behind Weibull at this time and said with some surprise.

Such a person can better serve as a bargaining chip for himself to exchange!

"You want to do something to my mother, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

A powerful breath instantly locked Kuina.

You must know that the person who just wanted to attack Ba Jin was Kuina!

"Can't move..."

At this moment, Kuina's eyes widened and she said in awe.

You know, Kuina's sword intent is very firm.

But now, someone can actually use their breath to influence their actions.

No, not an influence.

It made my body feel scared!

"It's not Haoshoku, it's another aura."

"Ghost Qi?!"

"How could there be Ghost Qi on Weibull's body? Huh?"

Ye Tong thought of this, and a shaver appeared in front of Kuina.


Haoshoku Haki was released instantly.

Directly offset the aura on Weibull.

"There are so many surprises on you."

"Although I really want to bring you under my banner, it's a pity that your brain is not as good as Luffy's. ."

"So, take it as my exchange!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, lifting his own hand and instantly appeared in front of Weibull.

next moment, Weibull just flew out.

As for Ba Jin, he fainted by this time.

After all, she is just an ordinary people, and in front of Haoshoku, she simply can't hold on!

"Ye Tong Rear Admiral, I..."

"Okay Kuina, it's alright."

"Such a breath is good for the human body. It will cause a certain impact."

"This is, Ghost Qi."

"It is a kind of Way of Sword, you will gradually cultivate a similar aura."

Ye Tong slowly said.

If you say this to other people, it is simply a proposition.

But the Kuina in front of me is not an ordinary person, she is a sword addict.

Such encouragement is far more effective than comfort.

"I see."

"The road to cultivation is still far away!"

Kuina also took out the handcuffs and put Ba Jin on the road. Took away.

As for Weibull, Ye Tong simply had no intention of making a move.

Soon, Ye Tong also found Weibull who flew out and fainted.

The Ye Tong hit just now was deadly.

But now Weibull is just in a coma, without any signs of life-threatening.


"Let's ask first."

Ye Tong also took out Den Den Mushi when he thought of this.

After all, I have no knowledge or ability in this area.


"Call me so soon, is there something wrong?"

Soon, Den Den in Ye Tong's hands In Mushi, Gage's voice was also heard.

"Jage, a super human is in front of me."

"Do you think it is for you to study, or to exchange with others for something you need?"

Ye Tong also asked directly.


"What do you mean..."


Soon, Gage also understood The situation is clear.

"If he is willing to give the POA factor engraving technology, we will not be at a disadvantage."

"If he does not give it, the person will stay."

After clearing up the situation, Gage said directly.

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