One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 438

Folknor was relieved after Ye Tong hung up.

Listening to Major General Ye Tong's tone, you should be prepared.

"Foknos, is it really good for us to do this?"

"If found out, we..."

Lillian is also somewhat said anxiously.

After all, what Foxnos is doing now is not an ordinary thing!

A little accident happened, and it is estimated that my life will be lost!

"Lilian, our lives are all given by Ye Tong."

"If it weren't for the adults, I would have lost my life in the sea now."

"If it wasn't for the adults, I wouldn't have met you."

"I don't know about such a thing. But I know, and I have to report it to the adults."


Foknos also said it directly.

Have been guarding here for years.

Not only has his own lover, but also his own child.

And, plus Issho's training before, is there a Marine who comes over to give them pointers.

Now the strength of Foxnos is also very strong.

These are all given by Ye Tong.

He's not a badass guy!

"I see."

"If it weren't for adults, I might be dead by now."

"I support you."


Lilian threw herself directly into Foxnos's arms.


At this time, their door was kicked open...

"Mr. Issho, I would like to ask you one thing."

"This is something I made up. You take Yax and Yax's crew to Pildax Island."

Ye Tong took out Picked up an envelope and handed it to Issho.

"But, tomorrow is your wedding..."

Issho hesitated.

You know, tomorrow is a big event. As Ye Tong's escort and friend, Issho still wanted to stay to witness and bless.

"Mr. Issho, this matter is very urgent."

"You will know what is in the envelope."

"However, you are most It's better to leave as soon as possible, and then take a look on the boat."

Ye Tong said with a solemn expression.

You must know that what Foxnos just informed him is a super dangerous thing.

This guy, Kakajino, has already decided to do such a thing.

Presumably, there are certain arrangements for the country.

These, in particular, have access to his guards.

It's not that Ye Tong thinks this matter is trivial, but Ye Tong knows that this matter is urgent.

Seeing Ye Tong's serious face, Issho also set off.

Soon, I took the ignorant Yax with me and went to sea.

The next morning.

Issho arrives at Peldax Island.

"Sure enough, the adults are right."

"The human heart is the darkest thing in this world."

"Sometimes, even if it is closed Once you have your eyes closed, you can still see."

"Go to the island!"

Issho said and flew directly to the island.

"peng peng peng..."

At this time, the fort on the island directly attacked Issho.

"Gravity Knife, Falcon Slash!"

Issho directly swung out his crooked sword, and countless slashes turned into falcons, crushing the shells.

"Sure enough, are you ready?"

"Even Marine, attacked!"

"The islanders listen, now King Your Majesty is under the control of the Pirate."

"I am the escort of Major General Ye Tong, Issho!"

"I am here now to protect King Kacajeno Your Majesty!"

Issho roared loudly and rushed straight to the palace.

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