One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 439

You know, Issho doesn't have time to beep with them here.

Ye Tong made it clear in the letter that Folknos was in danger.

Also, the information here was passed on by Foknos.

In order not to chill the hearts of those who are facing them, the first thing he will do is to capture Wang Qingjun's side!

This so-called Qingjun side was proposed by Ye Tong, Issho is simply amazing!

If it weren't for the fact that he knew, Ye Tong was not a conspirator.

It is estimated that it will be doubtful.

Can a normal person come up with such an idea?

If Ye Tong knew about Issho's idea, he would definitely say that this is really summed up by many people!

And, it is most suitable for use here.

"Quick...stop him, don't let him come over."

"I'm not threatened, I..."

Kakajino look When I arrived at Issho, who quickly flew to the palace, I was also a little panicked.

You know, Ye Tong's guard is definitely a super powerhouse.

Besides, the guy who just solved the cannonball easily, how can it be easy! ?

"But, that's Mr. Issho!"

"In the beginning, we were all taught by him."

The armor said hesitantly. .

"Mr. Issho is very powerful, we simply can't stop him."

"And, for my benefactor, I can't fight with swords!"

Guard B also said directly.


A group of guards quickly occupied both sides, as if welcoming Issho.

Seeing this scene, Kakajino was stunned.

He thought that so many years had passed.

These guards have become their own.

But now it seems that their hearts are still on Ye Tong!

"Your Majesty, we lost."

Bildokru said with some helplessness and some relief.


"Isn't it Marine, in front of us, they dare not do it."

At this time, a The man slowly walked out from behind Kacajeno.

"Lord Wilson, please help me!"

Seeing the man appear, Kakajino also seemed to have caught a life-saving straw.

Said loudly.

"I know."

"This guy is just a Marine."

"As long as I say a word, he won't dare to Any action."

Wilson had a mocking smile on his lips, then grabbed the two with both hands and lifted them up.

"Marine Commodore, the guard of Major General Grote Ye Tong, Issho!"

"If you go forward, I will kill these two people directly."< /p>

"By the way, they still have a child who is only three years old!"

"hehe, hey hahaha..."

Wilson said, looking at A meal of Issho, also laughed heartily up.

"Mr. Issho, please carry out your mission."

"We...we don't regret it even now!"

"Yes Come on, Lillian."

Foknos said indifferently.

Even though I have riddled with scars now, I still persist in my heart.


"I just... just like it, you're a... idiot!"

Lilian endured the pain, slowly said.


"My mission is to protect both of you."

"So, the guy who attacked the kingdom's guards without authorization should be Pirate Right?"

"Pirate can kill you!"

Issho lifted his head and opened his eyes instantly.

A powerful aura directly locked Wilson in front of him.

"Ah...what do you want to do?"

"I'm a member of cp0, what a joke, I'm Pirate?!"



Before Wilson could finish speaking, a strong force of gravity pressed him to the ground.

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