One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 451

Ye Tong arrived on the second island just as the Koalas and the others were spreading the planting here.

This is basically the same as the small village they went to before.

They are all poor people who have no battle strength and live a self-sufficient life.

But it is such an existence that people are still staring at it.

Damn, if these guys get caught by themselves, they won't let them go.

Ye Tong clenched his fists, even his palms were sweating.

"Gion, as before, I went over first."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared here instantly.

After finishing the house here, Ye Tong received gifts again. This time, some fresh scallops.

All the villagers here went to the beach to dig this morning.

"Daphne Cheeto, have you sorted this out?"

"Is it the same group of people?"

Ye Tong slowly said.

"Major General Ye Tong, all of them have been sorted out."

"Among them, six people are the same as the previous village, so it can be basically determined that this is the same A gang."

Daphne Cheetor also said directly.

After hearing Chito's words, Ye Tong also had a plan in his mind.

These guys shouldn't be very strong.

In other words, even if they are strong, they may be spies arranged by some people.

Well, hehe.

"Belu Beru..."

Ye Tong took out his Den Den Mushi and called Sengoku.

"Hey Ye Tong, why are you calling me?"

Sengoku is now most afraid of receiving a call from Ye Tong, if this guy really arrests Blackbeard , He really doesn't know what to do!

"I found the trace of Akatsuki, and it's a fixed group."

"The current situation, there should be thirteen people."

"The image we drew last time and the image drawn this time have been overlapped by six people."

"So, I applied for publishing bounty."

Ye Tong Having said that, it also opened the ability of Den Den Mushi's video.

Then presented the pictures here in front of Sengoku.


"You got the clue so quickly?"

"So, what do you think is the right price?"

Sengoku asked helplessly.

After all, these guys are not attacking allies, but small villages.

Although Sengoku is also very uncomfortable, these guys want to set a very high bounty gold, it is simply impossible!

"Eighty million per person would be fine."

"Then, if I catch someone, I'll exchange for the equivalent amount of garbage."

Ye Tong said directly.

Sengoku also had a headache after hearing what Ye Tong said.

Now, whenever he hears the word trash, Sengoku's scalp tingles.

"Okay, I can do this bounty gold."

"I'll send bounty quickly, what else?"

Sengoku too said again.

"I need supplies, lots of food and household supplies."

"I am now far from a country where I can buy these supplies, and I have no money."


"The aid work here needs to use these."

Ye Tong said directly.

After all, I was doing image work on behalf of Marine.

You can't keep this money all the time, can you?

According to Sengoku's attitude, it is estimated that he will not return it to himself.

Plus, Ye Tong really doesn't have time to buy these things.

"Okay, I will arrange for someone to deliver it."

"Anything else?"

Sengoku didn't say anything about such a request .

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