One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 452

After Sengoku agreed, Ye Tong was relieved.

This side also directly sends out the positioning, the next place to go.

Then, Sengoku arranged for a fast ship to come over, so they should catch up with them soon.

Otherwise, the supplies on their cruise ships won't last long.

Time flies by quickly.

Seven months later.

The villages and small countries in New World that were destroyed by the fake Akatsuki organization were restored by Ye Tong one after another.

The forefoot recovered, the hindfoot Koalas and Dragon went to apologize, and then began to teach planting.

At this point, Marine's reputation was at an all-time high.

Whether it is Marine's own glory, Pirate's fear of Marine, or the public's belief in Marine.

Together with the aid program, the changes in the entire world are simply palpable.

A new country, a village that is slowly becoming stronger.

"Boss, the people here have already caught it."

"What's the arrangement?"

At this time, in Ye Tong's ring, there is also a legend The dragon's voice came out.

While they were teaching planting in a village, they happened to meet a fake Akatsuki who came to destroy it.

Then, it was taken directly by the dragon.

"Where is it, I will arrange for someone to come here now."

Ye Tong also had a smile on his face.

During this time, Ye Tong's mood has not been very good.

When I met Pirate, I beat him straight away, threatened to throw the trash, and then grabbed it and had someone take it back.

But after catching so many Pirates, the fake Akatsuki here still hasn't caught it.

Now I have finally caught it, and my heart is also sighed in relief.

Three days later.

"Major General Ye Tong, the person has been brought back."

"Now, should I take it away directly or interrogate it?"

Ai Lun brought thirteen people over and said directly.

"Take them to the Shura room and I will interrogate them myself."

Ye Tong coldly said.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Allen couldn't help shivering.

You know, the Shura room is a place that even they are afraid of now!

Although they knew that Ye Tong would not take action against them, everyone there was a little horrified when they remembered the scene that Ye Tong described at the time.

Even at this time, everyone felt a little sympathetic to these counterfeiters.

Seeing the dark sympathy in everyone's eyes, the fake Akatsuki headed by was also panicked.

These guys, want to be god horses?

"No, you can't do anything to us."

"We are..."

"Shut up, I don't want to know right now, Who are you?"

Ye Tong said, and also walked to Shura's room alone.

Here, it is specially used for interrogation.

Soon, the thirteen people were also brought into the Shura room.

But when they came in, their nervousness was relieved.

I thought there would be a lot of torture tools here.

But I didn't expect that there was nothing in it.

Except for a chair Ye Tong was sitting on, it could be said to be empty.

"Welcome to my interrogation room."

"Then, the interrogation time begins!"

Ye Tong said, and opened it directly I have my own monthly reading space.

next moment, everyone is in here.

"Then, the execution begins!"

Ye Tong saw countless spikes in his hands, and immediately started...

"Ah...! "

As countless screams sounded, Ye Tong still smiled and continued the execution.

"We are members of cp0, how dare you arrest me?"

The man in the lead couldn't help it, and roared loudly.

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