One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 502

After taking half a day to reach Sakazuki's location, Ye Tong immediately went to clean up the island.

Sakazuki at this point is a killing machine without any emotion.

In his eyes, it would be justice if the entire world could return to its original 'peace' in this way.

In Sakazuki's cognition, if it weren't for Akatsuki's appearance, such a thing would simply be impossible.

So, the root of evil is still the Xiao organization.

With this belief, he is almost ruthless when he performs Buster Call.

Even, there is not a little bit of turbulence in my heart.

After recovering all the islands here, Ye Tong boarded Sakazuki's boat with no expression on his face.

Seeing that Ye Tong didn't want to speak, Sakazuki also continued to carry out the mission.

In his eyes, no matter what, there is no mission, and it is important to maintain the justice of this world.

Even with his Sensei Zephyr off the team, he still hasn't wavered.

Time just passed by slowly.

Half a month later, with the joint efforts of thousands of Battleships, South Blue has been bombarded again and again.

At this time, South Blue has become a sea of ghosts.

No one can be seen except the solitary Battleship.

Generally speaking, Marines are in high spirits when their tasks are completed.

But this time, no one had a smile on their face.

Except for Sakazuki, of course.

He insisted on his justice, and now he is thinking about how to deal with Xiao next after going back.


"This is what you call justice?"

"Shooting innocent people to satisfy the desires of World Nobles."

"To maintain the dignity that is inferior to the bullshit in your hearts, just shoot at the civilians!?"

"The leader is right, your justice is the justice of the victors!"< /p>

"Then, let me see, what do you use to uphold your justice!"

At this time, a huge battleship appeared in this Sea Territory.

And the one who just spoke was the dragon!

"hehe hehe!"

"What else did you say to them, destroy it!"

Golden Lion Shiki also appeared in the air, one by one The ship slowly floated up and smashed towards the Battleship.

At the same time, the Dark King started to attack.

At this time, Marine, who was originally in a low mood, did not react directly, and the Battleships were sunk.

Sakazuki wanted to go out to block, but was stopped by Magellan.

And, facing Magellan, Sakazuki simply didn't dare to attack with his ultimate.

Otherwise, maybe they haven't defeated all the Marines here, and they have been poisoned to death by Magellan's poison.

Ye Tong directly confronted Kukuli, after all, this is the crew member before Ye Tong, and he said it directly.

Issho is on the Dragon Bar.

For the first time, Issho showed his strength in front of other Marines.

Soon, the fleet here was all sunk.

Marines are also standing on the ice cubes made by Ye Tong and fighting against the people organized by Akatsuki.

Otherwise, they would have fallen into the sea long ago.

With the ebbing of time, the Battleships were destroyed one by one, and soon all the Marines were standing on the ice.

At this time, after the Battleship was all sunk, the dragons also retreated.

Driving the Dark King directly to find other Marines.

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