One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 503

At this time, Ye Tong also rushed out quickly.

He knew precognition where they were, so he rushed over.

There were originally six teams here, but after the four Garp chose to leave, there are now two big ones. It's only from Kuzan's side.

Ye Tong is using his ability to fly thousands of miles, so Sakazuki and the others have no way to catch up.

When Ye Tong was fighting just now, he had picked up all the battleships that were sunk here.

However, he didn't immediately take them out to Sakazuki.

Because he has to get to Kuzan's place quickly.

Otherwise, a lot of Marines would die. This is not Ye Tong's original intention.

As with Sakazuki's side, even if Ye Tong arrived, he released a large area of ice, leaving everyone on their feet.

Next, the consequences are the same.

The disparity in high-end battle strength is too great, and with Akatsuki bringing the Dark King, Marine simply has no power to fight back.

As for Borsalino, who guards the Marine Headquarters, he simply didn't come out this time.

So, all Marines who came out to perform Buster Call this time were defeated.

It's not that Marine is too weak, but because they all have a low desire to fight now.

Even if they knew that the other party was super evil, the Marines who had just executed the Buster Call had already begun to doubt their own justice.

even more how, this was originally the big pit set up by the Xiao organization.

They failed so quickly due to various reasons.

"What are you all doing?"

"Disappointed? Regret? Or are you all giving up?!"

Seeing the crowd Marine was all sitting on the ice, and no one spoke.

Ye Tong also roared loudly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone looked towards Ye Tong.

Includes Lieutenant General Momonga, Lieutenant General Yamakaji and Kuzan on one side.

"What do you all look at me for?"

"What do you do, you are Marine!"

"Even this time, what do you think If you made a mistake, do you want to let this mistake continue."

"Or, you think you can't do anything and want to escape?!"

Ye Tong shouted again.

At this point, the Marines have begun to stand up.

There are major generals like Ye Tong, there are colonels, there are lieutenants...

They all look at Ye Tong, why is this Ye Tong who hated evil like hatred now? Keep this calm.

Could it be that he was not affected by this incident?

"Perhaps you are very confused, why am I saying these words here now."

"You are only responsible for destruction, I am responsible for cleaning up. So, there is no mentality like yours Is it a burden?"

"But have you seen the stumps on the island?"

"Have you been exposed to that pungent smell?"

"Silence is not what we want to do."

"If we all give up, how many people in this sea and mountain will stand up for justice?"

Ye Tong said in a low voice.

Hearing this, everyone's face showed a look of remorse.

They not only regretted why they didn't stand up and resist when they thought this was wrong.

They also repented and executed it after they knew they were wrong.

They still regret that they just wanted to escape.

If it weren't for Ye Tong's remarks, I don't know how many people in Marine would have left.

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