One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 504

"Ye Tong, I know what you mean."

"This time I go back, I will work harder to do what I should do."

At this time, Yamakaji also walked up to Ye Tong and said directly.

The relationship between the two of them is relatively good.

Although Ye Tong always comes to him to ask for rubbish, he is also very annoying to Ye Tong.

However, in Yamakaji's heart, Ye Tong has been regarded as his Little Brother.

"Yes, Major Ye Tong. Admiral is right."

"Now is not the time for us to be frustrated and give up, what we have to do, what we can do and more A lot."

Lieutenant General Momonga also said directly.

"Major General Ye Tong, thank you!"

"Major General Ye Tong, thank you!"

"Major General Ye Tong, Thank you!”


Countless Marines began to thank Ye Tong.

Because if it wasn't for Ye Tong, they might be ready to go back and leave Marine.

"Well, I'm just rambling. If you think I'm right, just give me some rubbish when you go back."

"But now, we The only thing to do is to go back."

"For the Battleship, don't worry, I have prepared it here."

Ye Tong said, and threw the Battleship out directly. .

Soon, they found Sakazuki and the others on the Battleship, let them also board the ship, and went back together.

The Battleship that Ye Tong took out was obtained after picking it up earlier.

The body is a lot bigger, so it can fully accommodate them.

It took ten days for them to return to Marineford.

At this point, the news about South Blue is out.

Also, Whitebeard's attack on Celestial Dragon was directly overwritten by another news item.

A super swordsman has appeared in the Akatsuki organization.

The weapon used is Saijo O Wazamono, which has never been added, and directly cut open the Red Line continent where Mariejois is located.

News like this are the biggest news on the sea, right next to the order of the slaughter of South Blue.

Now, both commoners and nobles of the other Sea Territory.

Even Celestial Dragon, people were alarmed.

They issued a Buster Call, wanting to give Xiao organization a attacking the mountain to shake a tiger.

However, the tiger was indeed suppressed, and the tiger directly took a bite and attacked their base camp.

And the strength of this new member of the Xiao organization has simply broken through their understanding of the Xiao organization.

Gorosei made a move at that time, but he still didn't make any achievements and was beaten back directly.

Under such circumstances, the islands and civilians ruled by the Akatsuki organization are the most reassuring.

Because the South Blue incident tells them that Akatsuki really wants to do something for them.

Instead of saying, just using them as revolutionary chips.

No matter what the circumstances, Akatsuki never gave up on them.

This Buster Call not only chilled many Marines, but also strengthened the hearts of those countries and villages that belonged to the Akatsuki organization.

Celestial Dragon's hand can be described as shooting itself in the foot.

At this time, in the Marineford Conference Hall.

At this point, Sengoku is not sitting in the top position, but on the side.

And sitting at the top is, the former Marine Fleet Admiral, the current Three Armies Commander In Chief Steel Bone Kong.

The four have handed in their resignations, which is why Steel Bone Kong is here and so on.

After all, such a thing has too much impact.

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