One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 506

Shouldn't this guy choose Kuzan?

Even if you don't choose to support Kuzan, you won't choose yourself!

"Major General Ye Tong, I want to know your reason."

Steel Bone Kong said directly.

Actually, he is here to appoint a new Fleet Admiral and a new general.

After all, Sengoku has resigned, so Marine still needs a Fleet Admiral to manage it.

There are only three candidates, the current three generals.

Although Ye Tong is also one of the candidates, but this guy has just expressed his position, he is like a lieutenant general.

Furthermore, Sakazuki was also selected. So, it can now be ruled out directly.

"None of us here can be immune to external factors."

"Sakazuki is the only one who implements and insists on justice in his heart."

"So, he would be more suitable for Fleet Admiral than any of us."

Ye Tong also said directly.

The reason is simple and powerful.

It can be said that if it is Ye Tong or Kuzan, it is estimated that the execution of the task is not enough because of the consideration of civilians.

But that's not the case with Sakazuki.

"Borsalino, how about you?"

At this point, Steel Bone Kong turned and asked Borsalino.

"Aiya, me."

"I don't have any questions, I don't have any questions about who does Fleet Admiral."

"Also, I It seems that he has been appointed as a special general of the Marine Scientific Research Special Forces."

"So, I will not participate in this campaign."

Borsalino also said slowly.

"Kuzan, how about you?"

Steel Bone Kong asked Kuzan again.

As for Sakazuki, don't ask him, just look at him and know that this guy wants to be Fleet Admiral.

"Fleet Admiral's arrangement."

Kuzan is obviously much more peaceful, as long as you arrange it, I don't care.

Besides, now that Ye Tong is on a united front with him, there is no need for him to fight for some things.

Being Fleet Admiral is no fun.

"Sakazuki, you can be the next Fleet Admiral."

"Kuzan, Grote Ye Tong, you two are in charge of new recruit training."

"Gion, take over as the new Admiral, codenamed Momousagi."

"Borsalino Special Admiral, responsible for commanding the Marine Scientific Research Unit."

"There is also a headquarter Three Great Admirals quota, Someone will arrange it."

After Steel Bone Kong finished speaking, he also disappeared directly here.

"Okay, everyone, let's go back to your posts to rest."

"I'll let you know if there's anything going on."

After Steel Bone Kong left, Sakazuki also said directly.

After hearing what Sakazuki said, everyone left.

This major internal adjustment in Marine has left many of them unresponsive.

Even if it is, Sakazuki, who is already Marine Fleet Admiral at this time, is a bit dreamy.

You know, the Sengoku four are in good physical and mental state.

Sakazuki simply did not expect that he would be promoted to the position of Fleet Admiral so quickly.

Also with Ye Tong's support, Kuzan's non-compete, Kizaru was mobilized, and Gion became a general.

These things took a long time for Sakazuki to digest.

Meanwhile, Ye Tong and the others also returned to their villa.

"Ye Tong, why did you choose Sakazuki?"

"Hina, I'm very confused."

Hina said with some doubts.

"He is indeed the most suitable."

Ye Tong said directly.

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