One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 507

"It's true that Sakazuki is a bit tougher."

"But as a Fleet Admiral, it's enough."

At this time, Sengoku and the others also came in.

"Sengoku uncle, why don't you go to find a place to retire well, what are you doing at my house?"

Ye Tong is a little teased.

"What do you say, let's eat first."

Gion also came out, carrying a large plate of food.

"Yes, let's eat first."

Ye Tong said, and went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes.

Soon, a group of people sat in the courtyard and ate.

After dinner.

"Sengoku uncle, I want to ask, do you know the red road sign?"

Just after making the tea, Ye Tong asked directly.

"red sign?"

"You mean, to Raftel's Poneglyph?"

Sengoku put down the teacup in his hand and looked at him suspiciously. Ye Tong.


"Since this thing is an uncertain bomb, then we should go and defuse it ourselves."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Sengoku fell silent.

Because what Ye Tong said is indeed true.

However, this place is not a fun place.

And the Raftel thing is not so simple as the Pirate King treasure!

"It seems that Sengoku uncle has some concerns."

"Let's put it this way, I already have three rubbings of Poneglyph."

"And, I can almost read the text above."

"Sengoku uncle, if you know something, I think you should tell me?"

Ye Tong took the rubbing directly. come out.

At this point, Sengoku, Tsuru, Garp, and Zephyr were all stunned.

Because, they all know something about Raftel.

I just didn't expect that someone in Marine wanted to find Raftel.

And this person is the person around them.

"brat, are you too busy?"

"I just have nothing to do now, let's go and train."

This At that time, Garp stood up directly, pulled Ye Tong and walked towards the sea.

Seeing the two leave, Sengoku still couldn't let go of his brows.

It seems that this secret that has been kept for so long can't be hidden?

"elder sister, what exactly is this Raftel?"

Gion also held Crane's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, don't ask about it."

"That's not a good place, and I don't know much about it."

"The only thing you know is, don't touch it."

The crane said directly, and then continued to drink tea.

On the sea at this time.

Ye Tong was finally not beaten unilaterally by Garp after opening Ice Divine Physique.

“brat, the improvement is good.”

“With such strength, do you think you can contact Raftel?”

“World What about the power of Nobles' men, why didn't they find this place and directly destroy the dream land that Pirate ravaged?"

"You brat, headless?"

"Or, your brain is blocked by garbage!?"

In the constant battle, Garp also said directly.

"I know Raftel is not what it seems, if Sensei knows, let me know."

Ye Tong still said with a laugh.

It seems that my guess was correct.

Raftel is no treasure!

"That place, is a place to die."

"Roger, because it died there."

Garp said again.

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