One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 535


"hehe hehe..."


At Doflamingo With laughter, Shanks also left here directly.

"Young Master, do we want to..."

Torrepol also walked in front of Doflamingo and said directly.

"No, I want to see what they're going to do."

"This guy, looks very important!"

" So, let's follow along, and by the way, we can see what they exist for."

Doflamingo said directly.

Actually, the best way is to eliminate all threats here.

However, the members of the Straw Hat group are inextricably linked with Ye Tong.

Even now Doflamingo still can't forget the power of Ye Tong.

If he really does it, when the time comes, he will suffer unknown consequences!

However, now that those guys have their eyes on Straw Hat.

Then, you can watch the show yourself.

"But Young Master, if we don't do it now."

"After that, there will be no chance to do it."

Torrepol said again.

"There is a chance, there will be. But I know one thing, if we do it now, we will be killed soon."

"Call Ye Tong ."

Doflamingo said directly.

Torrepol understood after hearing Doflamingo's words.




Wait For a long time, no one answered the phone here.

"Call those guys, they will definitely want to know this information."

"And, it should be able to give us a lot of benefits in exchange!"< /p>

After Doflamingo hung up, he continued to call.

"Hello, Doflamingo."

A commanding voice came over the phone.

"Monkey D. Dragon, I have a piece of information here that you may be interested in!"

"Only, would you like to hear it?"

"hehe hehe..."

Doflamingo also said it directly.

"You said it."

Monkey D. Dragon also said it directly.


"Well, I see."

"However, it's not good for us to rush to Yonko."

Fujitora was also holding the ring in Lifting's hand at this time, and said with some doubts.

"It's not rash, you guys went there to catch Akatsuki's people."

"It's just that I happened to meet Yonko, just grab it."

Monkey D. Dragon said it again.

"Hehe, I feel like you've been with your lord for a long time."

"You've learned all your bad tricks, dragon!"

Issho also said directly.

"Okay, the information here is not real-time, you should contact that guy."

"Then, Mr. Issho, can you get through?"


Monkey D. Dragon said it again.

"Got it."

Issho finished and put down the ring in his hand.

Looking at Marine who was training under his own gravity field in front of him, Issho's mouth also showed a smile.

"Okay, everyone take a rest."

"Find your own opponent, free battle training, I have something to go to Fleet Admiral."

As Issho said, he also left here directly with his crutches.

Seeing Issho leaving, everyone was sighed in relief.

After all, such high-intensity training requires perseverance.

But one of them is no less than Marine, and the persistence in the eyes is completely different.

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