One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 536

Soon, Issho was outside Sakazuki's office.

"Issho Instructor, come in."

As soon as Issho arrived, Sakazuki's voice came from inside the house.


Issho also went straight in.

"Mr. Issho, you don't usually come to me."

"What's the matter, is there something you can't solve here?"

"Mr. p>

"Is it true that your new recruit is not easy to manage?"

Sakazuki said directly when Issho didn't speak.

"I know, Akatsuki's whereabouts."

Issho said flatly.

Sakazuki pupils shrank after hearing Issho's words.

"Who is in Akatsuki?"

Sakazuki was a little excited.

Because he knew that, if it was some little guy, Issho wouldn't come and tell him in person.

Should, some core personnel appeared.

"Admiral of the Sea, Blackbeard Marshall D. Tiki!"

"Also, there's another person with him, Akagami Shanks, one of the Yonkos we didn't catch earlier !"

Issho said directly.

Sakazuki was a little puzzled after hearing Issho's words.

Because now he's Fleet Admiral, he knows a little bit about Shanks' identity.

However, the appearance of such two people together made Sakazuki a little confused.

"If Fleet Admiral thinks it's inconvenient, forget it."

"I'll treat this as if it didn't happen."

"I I'll go and do my justice."

Issho said directly.


"As justice, there is no inconvenience, since we have their whereabouts, let's go!"

" Mr. Issho is also going to prepare, I will arrange..."


At this time, Ye Tong also got this information.

Although in the sea, Den Den Mushi cannot be used.

But your own ring can still be used.

"These guys are really good at doing things!"

"But this kind of thing is really interesting!"

"Sure enough, I stayed This person is really the right choice."

Ye Tong slowly said.

"From the look of you, I know it's not a good thing."

"What's the matter, is there something new for Akatsuki?"

Gion said suspiciously.

"Well, there is some action!"

"Also, this action is really not far from us!"

"Go Well, since we've come out to play, there are still people in charge of putting on a big show for us to see, so let's go out and have a look."

Ye Tong said, and directly called out a Dark King submarine.

"By the way, Shirahoshi, go back first."

"I will clean up the rest of the nest here regularly."

Ye Tong Having said that, he took a few people directly into the submarine.

Their goal is Kuoro Island.

Soon, the entire group came to the sea.

After replacing their Dark King submarines with Marine cruisers, they also went to the islands on the side.

After arriving on the island, Ye Tong naturally chose to pick up trash.

The four of Gion are also used to it and went shopping separately.

Three days later.

"Why, these two guys will get together?"

At this time, four Marine Battleships appeared on the sea, and in front of them were Shanks and Blackbeard ship.

Kuzan said with some doubts.

"I don't know..."

"However, what we need to do now is not to pursue this cause, but to arrest them!"

Sakazuki Also said directly.

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