One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 537

At this time, Ye Tong and the others also left the island and came here.

"Hehe, they are quite fast."

"Sure enough, it was a good thing to choose to come to New World in the first place."

Ye Tong said with a playful look when he saw the Battleship in front of him.

"Okay, stop laughing."

"The two guys who appeared this time are not simple characters, Hina thinks it's better to be careful."


Hina said seriously.

Indeed, now Blackbeard doesn't know Ye Tong and they are Akatsuki.

Meanwhile, Akagami won't hold back.

In such a situation, you really have to be careful.

After all, Hina and the others couldn't resist.

"You stay here first, I'll leave four Avatars for you."

"Hinrenwan, you stay too, Kuina, you use the sword, here it is."< /p>

"Don't join the battlefield lightly."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he spread his wings and rushed forward.


Afterwards, Ye Tong landed on the Battleship.

"Ye Tong, didn't you ask for leave to go out to play?"

Seeing Ye Tong appearing, Kuzan said with some doubts.

You know, Ye Tong is also a guy who doesn't like to participate in these things, only has a passion for garbage.

Such a thing, the whole Marine knows.

This guy is probably going out to play, thinking about picking up trash.

How could you have such an idea to participate in such a thing?

"Hey, Kuzan."

"I'm also a Marine Lieutenant General. When my comrades in arms are preparing for battle, should I pretend not to see it? , and then leave quietly?"

Ye Tong said dissatisfiedly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Kuzan was also taken aback.

It seems that it really makes sense.

I don't know why, but when Ye Tong said this, it was extremely discordant.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, you had contact with Akagami in the early years, wouldn't you keep it?"

At this time, Sakazuki also said directly.

"Hold on?"

"Perhaps not under such circumstances, we could have a drink together!"

"But now..."< /p>

Ye Tong said here, and immediately pulled out his village rain and rushed up.

"Ice Dragon ·Rotation Freeze!"

Ye Tong waved Murasame in his hand, forming a huge circle directly.

The sea water is directly stirred, and then a huge vortex water curtain is formed.

Then, all freezes.

Formed a colosseum in the sea!

"hehe, Shanks, let's paddle...don't try our best!"

Ye Tong rushed straight to Shanks.

A black line was drawn on everyone's face when they heard Ye Tong's loud cry.

This guy is really...

But that's fine. If Ye Tong can really contain Shanks, it will be a good thing.

"Let's do it."

Kuzan also walked out directly.

Ye Tong robbed him of his job, can't he just do nothing?

"I'm here to help too!"

At this point, Kuina flew over and went directly to the stream.

Sakazuki went straight to Blackbeard and Issho went to Beckman.

For a while, the battle started directly.


Griffin and Murasame collide.

"Ye Tong, are you in control of what happened this time?"

Shanks asked directly.


"You just heard that I was just passing by and stopped by to find you paddling."

"Don't be so hard , let's dance the sword."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

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