One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 541


"It sounds interesting."

"Hina wants to go."


Hina also said directly.

"Well, if it's the Devil Fruit competition, I still want to see it."

Kuina also said slowly.

"By the way, Kuina, Zoro is here too!"

"Would you like to go and give him another blow to his confidence?"

Ye Tong also thought Wake up, Zoro, who was Kuina's little fanboy at the time, is also here.


"Um, using Dual Blade Flow,...isn't it Santoryu's little demon?"

Kuina also remembered, it was true I have such a little fanboy!

However, it seems like a long time ago.

If Zoro knew that Kuina was still alive, would he be surprised?

And just like that, a group of people headed to Dressrosa.

Because it was close, they arrived in the afternoon.

"Hey, Doflamingo, do we still want some tickets for the arena?"

At this time, Ye Tong and the others came directly to the palace and said directly.


"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, I didn't expect you to be interested in this?"

"This is a five-card gladiatorial fight. How about the tickets for the stadium, are you interested in going to the game?"

Doflamingo also said jokingly.

"Hehe, Doflamingo, you look really busy."

"By the way, this is the garbage collection site, and all the garbage from your side will be thrown there. Just deal with it."

"Also, go and pay me what you owe me."

Ye Tong left immediately after finishing speaking.

Doflamingo is also embarrassed.

This guy...

Afterwards, a group of people also checked into a hotel in the arena directly.

Next day.

Ye Tong and the others came to the arena early in the morning.

Although it was early, it was full of people here.

Looking at today's entry list, I saw Luffy's name.

Most importantly, the names of Sanji and Zoro are also on it.

"Look, here's my brother Luffy, and Zoro, Sanji."

"When the time comes, watch them grow."


Ye Tong handed the list to Kuina, slowly said.

"Well, I also want to participate in the competition, make arrangements for me."

Kuina held her long knife and said slowly.

"Really, I want to bully them too!"

"I'm going to ask for the entry card."

Ye Tong finished speaking, a shaving disappeared here.

Soon, Ye Tong got two helmets and two entry cards.

Gion, Tashigi and Hina did not go.

They don't like this kind of thing and prefer to watch the game on the side.

"Luffy, Sanji, Zoro!"

Ye Tong quickly found the three people in lounge 1.

At this time, they were chatting with Bereka.

"Big Brother!?"

"hahahaha, didn't expect, I will meet Big Brother here."

Luffy immediately rushed up.

You know, Ye Tong is very familiar with him, and he recognized Ye Tong directly.

"You...don't you..."

At this point, Zoro was stunned.

Because, he saw a person who no longer existed.

"Zoro, long time no see."

Kuina also lifted her helmet and said with a smile.

"Gu... Kuina!"


For a time, Zoro, who has always been sensible, completely Can't speak.

"Is your sword so weak now?"

Kuina said with a smile.

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