One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 542

Zoro had tears in his eyes, but his eyes became firm in an instant.

"Kuina, I am very strong now."

"I will defeat you."

"The most powerful swordsman in the sea, It must be mine!"

Zoro saw Kuina, the second attribute exploded instantly.

"Well, use all your strength to beat me, let's talk about other things."

"By the way, Ye Tong's sword technique is also stronger than yours."

Kuina opened up directly, as before, still ruthless.

"I'll beat you all!"

"Wait, I'll beat you all this time..."

Zoro though Said, but couldn't help but looked towards Ye Tong who was talking to Luffy.

He and Ye Tong have also been in contact, and he knows Ye Tong's power well.

Therefore, when I say this, it is also a little lack of confidence.

"The second battle that everyone is looking forward to is ready to start!"

"Now, the First Stage of the No. 1 battle area, Ye, Ina, Zoro, Da Vinci , Slayman, The Gambia..."

"Let's look forward to regular performances from the contestants!"

"Rise up!"

Following the host's order, the arena was slowly raised, and then the passages were directly connected to the entrance.

Everyone who participated in the competition also came on stage one by one.

Ye is Ye Tong and Yina is Kuina.

didn't expect , the First Stage fought, Ye Tong and the others ran into each other.

At this time, Doflamingo is also watching the arena through the screen in front of him.

This guy is suddenly going to the competition, is it possible that is for Devil Fruit?

But, Ye Tong, is there still no Devil Fruit?

"Kuina, go and deal with Zoro, leave the others to me."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also drew his long sword.

He didn't use Murasame, Ling Xiang these.

After all, it's not necessary to deal with these guys.

"Well, I see."

Kuina said and pulled out Xiling.

This is O Wazamono given to her by Ye Tong, and she is using it all the time.

"The game, start!"

After everyone was on the field, the referee also called the start directly.

"Ittoryu · Dead Lion Songge!"

As soon as Zoro came up, he used his powerful sword skills.

"Ittoryu ·Line Slash!"

Kuina slowly lifted her Xiling, spotted a direction, and swung it down quickly.

With just one knife, Zoro's slash was shattered directly.

Then, Shaving accelerated and rushed up and started to fight Zoro.

After all, if you use slash all the time, this arena can't last!

"Okay, your opponent is me."


Ye Tong waved the long knife in his hand, Busoshoku Haki wound up directly.

At the same time, the sword aura, which is exclusive to swordsman, is also distributed.

"This guy seems to be very strong..."

"Deal with this guy first, then let's decide the outcome!"

"hehe, boasted shamelessly, and actually wants to challenge us all."

"brat, you took the wrong medicine, did you come here because you wanted to court death?"


Countless contestants rushed directly to Ye Tong.

In their eyes, it is simply unforgivable for such a small, even weak man, to dare to say such a thing.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

Ye Tong lifted his hand and slowly waved the long knife in his hand.

one after another slash appeared in front of him, but it didn't fly out, and it kept increasing.

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