One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 563

"How do you have such an idea."

"Also, the powerhouse of this world, how do you know the information and then conquer it all ?"

Sengoku said in disbelief.

Even now that the facts are in front of them, they still don't really want to choose to believe.

After all, when something like this fantasy story appeared in front of them, they couldn't believe it!

"The first thing I encountered was a dragon."

"In Goa Kingdom's Mount Gorbo."

"The dragon at that time, just thought To form a Revolutionary Army, to take a shot at Celestial Dragon."

"I was..."

Ye Tong began to tell them what he had done all these years.

It has been almost ten years since I came to this world.

After finishing speaking, Ye Tong was a little surprised that he had done so many things.

"Although I know it's true, I still can't believe it."

"Why can you think of so many things when you're a child."


Kuzan said with some doubts.

"Because, my family died like this!"

"You may not feel this way."

"Anyone , looking for food in the rubbish heap, no matter what it is."

"As long as I can fill my stomach, I will eat it."

"This is this world , the world that makes me despair."

"When you have a chance to change, will you choose to do it?"

"Or do you think you I'm living a good life, other people have nothing to do with me?"

Ye Tong said with some emotion.

People like this world make up the majority.

Even if it is, those countries and villages that have been subdued by the Xiao organization think so.

Because, no one would do something that would bring them no benefit at all.

"However, this situation doesn't explain how you know about those things?"

Sengoku asked again.

After all, what Ye Tong said is simply not something that ordinary people can touch.

The original Ye Tong was just a child of a commoner.

"Our ancestors were scholars."

"Because scholars are commoners, the things sorted out are knowledge for commoners."

" If you, Sensei, think this theory is wrong, I will not refute it."

Ye Tong said again.

"What are you trying to do when you tell us this?"


Garp rushed directly to Ye Tong and punched him Hit Ye Tong on the head.

At the same time, tears came out.


"Do you know that such a thing, no matter who it is, don't say anything!"

"You let us Do you want us to join in?"

"You little demon!"

"peng peng peng!"

Garp said while protecting Ye Tong with his fist.

Ye Tong didn't duck or say anything.

Because he knew that Garp's heart must be more painful than his own pain.

"Okay Garp."

"Ye Tong, we will not hear about such a thing."

"As for you next Ah, don't tell anyone outside the organization what to do."

He was silent for a long time, and also said slowly.

"Sister He, I know."

"Then East Blue, please."

Ye Tong was also nodded, and then said directly.

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