One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 564

Originally, what Ye Tong wanted to do was not to let them join the Akatsuki organization.

After all, such an organization is not a good thing.

Now all of them are in their seventies. All they need to do is to protect East Blue well.

Now East Blue, let alone Pirate.

Even Marine wouldn't dare to mess around.

The four members of Legendary were all here, and no matter what they wanted to do, they needed to think carefully.

"Don't worry about East Blue."

"But, Raftel, don't touch it."

Garp's mood is also at this time recovered, said directly.


"Sensei, is this place an island?"

Ye Tong also said directly.

"It seems that you already know a lot."

"Actually, D is the Imperial Family's surname. Originally, it belonged to Raftel's surname."

Garp slowly said.

Ye Tong was stunned when he heard Garp's words.

You know, although he had such a guess at the beginning. But at that time, Ye Tong rejected it by himself.

Because, if such a thing is true.

So, there are so many Ds in this world. Could it be that they are the original Imperial Family?

The most important thing is that there is something odd about it.

Pirate has D, Marine has D, Shichibukai has D, and even in cp0, D exists.

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Ye Tong to confirm his guess.

And, now there's a super powerful existence, Joe Lacker D.

If he was also Raftel's orphan, why did he have such a powerful strength and yet do nothing?

You know, if Joe Raquel D Fengyue wants to make trouble, it is estimated that even if Gorosei or Im shot him, he will not be able to stop him.

"Tian Wang, is that the plane?"

Ye Tong also expressed his doubts.

Although I saw this guy do it in Mariejois, Ye Tong still doesn't know if this is a plane.

"The King of Heaven is the most perfect embodiment of the bloodline factor researched by Bega D. Gak."

"It is a magical machine, formed after eating Devil Fruit It exists."

"No one knows how such a machine came into being."

"It can be driven by humans, or it can be controlled automatically."

"The only thing I know is that it came from the Forbidden Lands!"

Garp said again.

Hearing this, Ye Tong knew that he might be close to the truth of this world.

But what is this forbidden place?

"The place guarded by Fengyue is the forbidden place that you call Sensei?"

Ye Tong suddenly thought of a place, that is the place guarded by Fengyue.

"Yes, that place is the forbidden place."

"There are often things in there."

"The first to discover there It's the people of the D family. Of course, the D family went to extinction because of this."

Garp also said with some sigh.

After all, the world 900 years ago was a world respected by Raftel.

"What's in there?"

Ye Tong asked his biggest question.

For some reason, Ye Tong's heart was touched when he heard about this forbidden place.

"No one knows what's inside, but whoever enters it never comes back."

Garp said again.

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