One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 569

Originally, this guy had a strong competitive spirit, but now he was robbed of the limelight by Ulzi Beguisheng, who is also a Celestial Dragon, and his dissatisfaction was about to explode.

The most important thing is that this is the first time that Ulz Begi has come out.

It was the most uncomfortable thing for Saint Charlos to let him encounter such a good thing.

This guy still has some friendship with him, even before Saint Charlos used to show off his female slave in front of Saint Ulz Begui.

But now, this guy actually came out with something like this for the first time, and when the time comes back to Mariejois it's bound to be laughed at.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Saint Charlos is so dissatisfied now.

"Okay, just a few women."

"Dro, go and talk to Ulz Beguisin and say we want those women."< /p>

Shalria Yagong also said directly to the kneeling guard.

"I'll go right after I know Shalria Palace."

Dero was relieved and left quickly.

After all, it is possible for Saint Charlos to kill himself at this time.

Even after he was killed, he couldn't find anyone to speak for him.

To die is to die in vain.

Being assigned to Celestial Dragon has a high status, but at the same time, it is also very dangerous.

"Actually, I'm more interested in this Grote Ye Tong."

"This guy's strength is very powerful."

" It would be great if you could be my escort."

Shalria Yagong also said with a smile.

At the same time, Ye Tong, who was on the side, also entered the villa area he developed.

This was prepared in advance when they passed the Sabaody Archipelago.

"My lord, are we doing this now to infiltrate Mariejois?"

"But after entering Mariejois, our actions are even more involuntarily!"

< p>Issho said with some speculation.

“After this trip to Sabaody Archipelago, I will be a sweet tooth!”

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

"However, if the lord goes to Mariejois, will we be restricted from moving?"

"Also, when the time comes, Mariejois, my lord, those It's better for the guy to deal with you."

Issho still doesn't understand Ye Tong's decision.

"I'm not planning to go to Mariejois, but here they don't want to go back to Mariejois."

Ye Tong said, also looking towards the beauties in front of him.

Actually, these are the wooden avatars made by Ye Tong with the chakra jade exchanged.

Then, through the Transformation Technique, turned into a beauty.

"Now, go and serve Saint Ulz Begi."

"Soon, that guy will be here."

Ye Tong said directly.

"You mean, Saint Charlos?"

"However, according to the information we have learned here, these two people have a good personal relationship."

Issho said suspiciously.

If you want to use beautiful women to provoke a direct relationship between these two people, it shouldn't be possible, right?

After all, the relationship between them is not outdated by a few women.

Ulz Beguis Saint isn't going to turn against Saint Charlos for the sake of women.

"It's good to have a good personal relationship."

"Sometimes, plastic friendship is more deadly than no connection at all!"

Ye Tong also said with a laugh.

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