One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 570

Issho couldn't understand what Ye Tong said.

After all, when two people have a good personal relationship, if they ask for something unimportant from each other, the other party should agree.

But Ye Tong said, what kind of plastic friendship.

However, since Ye Tong has made a decision, Issho will not say much.

"Okay, it's almost time to start."

"In that case, it's time to let them go."

"Mr. Issho, also I hope you will protect Ulzi Begi."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

"Got it."

Issho complied and left here.

After Issho left, Ye Tong also went to the Auction House.

After all, Ye Tong doesn't know how many items there are.

Although there is an auction list given by Auction House, Ye Tong won't go directly to Ulzi Begi to ask for it!

At this time, Ye Tong needs to recognize his identity.

"It's been a long time since I came here. It's still the same as before, exuding a disgusting smell."

Ye Tong looked at the Auction House in front of him with a sad expression on his face. said.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, the auction will start tomorrow."

"Now, no one is allowed in the Auction House for the time being."

Front door The guard who saw Ye Tong coming over also stepped forward and said.

You know, Ye Tong is a celebrity now.

With this guard, Ye Tong has been seen many years ago.

So, when Ye Tong came over immediately, he recognized Ye Tong.


"Well, I don't want to go in either."

"Can you give me a copy of this auction list? ?"

"The auction list in the hands of Ulz Begi has been lost, so let me come over and get a new one."

Ye Tong said directly.

"I see."

The guards didn't ask any more questions, after all, they didn't dare to go to Ulzi Beguishen to make sure.

So, now he can only go directly to get the list.

After all, a list isn't anything important.

Soon, the guard handed the list to Ye Tong.

Ye Tong was also stunned after seeing the list above.

"Blue Star? Rayleigh?"

Seeing the names of these two people, Ye Tong murmured and left.

Soon, Ye Tong came to the rip-off bar.

"Double whisky."

"Sister Shakky, is there any new information recently?"

Ye Tong sat on the bar stool, Laughing hehe's look and Shakky in front of him.

"There is a lot of information, but I don't know what kind of information you are interested in in Ye Tong?"

Shakky said directly after handing a glass of wine.

"Blue Star!"

Ye Tong took out the auction list and put it in front of Shakky, said slowly.

"Not good, you show me such a secret list, I will use it for sale."

Shakky said with a laugh.

"With Sister Shakky's intelligence ability, it's easy to know what the list here is."

"Okay, I want to know about this Blue Star, yes Who?"

Ye Tong asked again.

For some reason, Ye Tong had a strong premonition when he saw this name.

This blue star is definitely not a simple role.

"Blue Star, it's a Mermaid Princess!"

"This is all her information."

Shakky spoke from the side In the cabinet, he took out a document and handed it to Ye Tong.

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