One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 571

Shakky was stunned after extending the hand because Ye Tong was sweeping the floor.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, your hobby really hasn't changed at all."

"However, I still have to charge how much I should charge."

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong. p>

Shakky looked at Ye Tong playfully and said slowly.

"It's okay, I can sweep the floor for Sister Shakky, but it's a good thing!"

"This is the reward, I'll go first."

"By the way, if you can contact Rayleigh uncle, let him know."

"This time, I am Celestial Dragon's guard!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, It also took all the garbage in the trash cans here and left here.

Looking at the box of Beli in front of him, Shakky was stunned.

What Ye Tong just said should not be aimless.

That is to say, if when the time comes Rayleigh makes a big fuss at the Auction House, he will meet Ye Tong.

According to the strength shown by Ye Tong before, when the time comes Rayleigh may not be able to get a good deal.

Moreover, what Ye Tong specifically said was that something extraordinary should happen at the Auction House this time.

If I told Shakky in advance, I hoped she would tell Rayleigh not to get involved.

Thinking of this, Shakky also took out a special Den Den Mushi and dialed it out.

As for Ye Tong, he also came to the private room of another bar at this time.

"It turns out that there is another Fishman Island."

"In other words, when the Sabaody Archipelago is auctioned this time, it is very likely that Fishman's revenge will be ushered in."


"Hehe, it's really interesting."

"As long as there is chaos, when the time comes something will be easy to do."

Ye Tong drinking Lang Rum, look carefully at the information on this.

Not just Mermaid Princess Bluestar, but also Giant Troyu.

"She should be interested in this information, right?"

Ye Tong said, the information in his hand also started to burn.

Soon, it turned to ashes.

"Okay, now is my job."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also started to clean up the garbage everywhere.

Sabaody Archipelago hasn't been here for a while.

So, Ye Tong started with this bar and started the cleaning plan.

Meanwhile, in the villa.

"You mean, that Saint Charlos guy, wants my maid here?"

Ulzi Beguis said to Dero in front of him.

"Yes, and also ask Ulz Begi to secede."

Dro was also a little surprised when he came here.

The beauties here are all super beauties.

Even though he often followed Saint Charlos, he had never seen a beauty of this quality.

It's no wonder that Saint Charlos does this here.

If Saint Charlos came over and saw the people here, he would probably react more strongly than himself.

"You go back and tell that guy, I won't give it to him."

"Although I disdain to combine with commoners, it is also good to stay with such a pleasing maid by my side. things."

"If that guy wants it, let him find it himself!"

Ulzi Beguishen simply refused.

Saint Charlos is really getting more and more pretentious.

Now that he doesn't even come here, he directly asks one of his guards to come and ask for someone.

If he did, it would be a joke in Celestial Dragon.

"You have to give this."

"Today, I'm going to take these women away!"

Dro said, and pulled out A long sword came out.

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