One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 572

"You scum, what do you want to do?"

"Even if you are Saint Charlos' bodyguard, believing or not I can kill you with a single word !?"

Ulzi Beguisheng said angrily.

When, just a guard, dared to speak to him like this? !

Under such circumstances, Ulzi Beguisheng simply wanted to kill this guy directly.

But now, aside from these beauties, I simply don't have any powerful battle strength.

"Ulz Beguisage, do you need help?"

At this time, Issho also walked in slowly and said indifferently.


"This guy, if you want to kill me, kill him now!"

Ur Seeing Issho appear, Zi Bejisheng also remembered that this was the Marine who was standing beside Ye Tong at that time.

Looking at the rank, it seems to be Marine Lieutenant General.

And, it shouldn't be too many people who can come out with Ye Tong.

Therefore, Ulzi Begisheng also directly issued the order to kill.

"You actually want to kill me."

"Since you want to kill me, I'll kill you first!"

Dro said After finishing, he directly waved the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Ulzi Beguisheng.

And the beauties around Ulzi Beguisage also hid behind Ulzi Beguishen one by one.

Originally, Ulzi Beguisheng wanted to hide, but now he is restricted from moving by so many beauties.

For a while, there is simply no way to move!

"Lieutenant General Marine Headquarters, Issho is very willing to serve you!"

"Gravity Knife Return!"

Issho pulled out his hand The crooked sword swung a knife directly.

And at this time, Dero, like he was rushing over, directly hit Issho's sword.

"Someone, send him back."

Issho said calmly.

After hearing Issho's words, the two Marines also came in.

Dero, who had lost his breath on the ground, was directly dragged away.

"Ulz Begi, please continue to rest, I will guard outside."

"If there is any problem, you can call me."

Issho finished speaking, left here again, and came outside the villa.

And fast, Marine here brought Dero's body to the villa where Saint Charlos was.


"This man assassinated Ulz Begui, who was killed by us, identified as Saint Charlos' escort, and sent back."< /p>

Marine turned around and left after saying this.

"Korvero, Teemo is so cool!"

"Did you see the guards just now, these dogs who take advantage of one's position to bully people Things, there is today too!"

Alan's Marine Hito said directly.

"That's right, there will always be someone to take care of them."

"Don't worry about it, it's their own internal affairs and won't involve us."


"However, it's really cool!"

Kuvero also said slowly.

The two left while talking.

At this time, Saint Charlos and Shalria Palace also came outside the villa.

"This guy must have done it on purpose!"

"I'm going to go over and take all his women!"

Saint Charlos for Germany Luo's death didn't matter at all.

What he cared about, Dero didn't bring back the beauty he wanted.


Shalria directly beat Saint Charlos on the head and said angrily.

And, she also realized that there should be something deeper behind this incident.

It's just that she didn't know what it was for a while.

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