One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 616

In just one week, all the core members found out all the traitors.

Originally, the viewing scope here is limited, and it is all inquiries from those who joined after the announcement of the Xiao organization.

Soon, some people with super clear backgrounds were all hoisted out for training.

As a result, a question is a definite answer.

Basically, the background information is clean and well organized.

Even if you go to inquire, there are no blemishes or problems, all of them are from World Government!

As for whether anyone was corroded, they didn't care at all.

This is also what Ye Tong said.

This time, these people sent directly by the World Government are directly cleaned up, which is also considered killing the chicken to frighten the monkey.

Well, give them a chance.

"Well, I see."

"Okay, let's arrange it like this. I can't come out recently, so you can act according to the previous plan for the time being."

< p>"Yes, when you're ready, let's discuss it."

"When the gift is ready, send it to them too."

"Got it. "

Ye Tong said, also put down the ring in his hand.

"Ye Tong, I'm hungry!"

At this time, Hina's voice also came.

"Okay, the porridge I'm cooking here will be ready soon."

Ye Tong said, also looked at the porridge in the casserole, and then put out a bowl of Hu Chi Hu Chi rushed to Hina's room.


Under Red Line continent.

"Okay, the leader said, let's discuss it."

"What do you think will be the best way to do it?"

Shiki also said slowly.

"For such a thing, let Morgans do it."

"Morgans, you are the president of the news agency, what do you think we need to do in a while so that the effect can be achieved. Best?"

Magellan also looked towards Morgans, who was on the side, and asked directly.

"The best effect?"

"Let's do this..."

"Although it is a bit troublesome, it is the safest and safest Great news!"

"gā gā gā gā &..."

Morgans laughed too.

"Okay, just follow what Morgans said."

"Dragon, I'll ask you for more advice later."

Magellan finished Later, it also directly entered the Dark King.

"I'd better stay with Shiki."

Kukuri also walked to Shiki's side.

If anyone was here at this time, they would probably be scared to death.

Magellan, Shiki, Long, Kukuli and Jinhao are the five core personnel.

Even if Marine Headquarter sees such a lineup, they can only escape.

"You shout start, and I'll do it."

Jin Hao stayed on the boat, waiting for their signal.

At this point, Magellan came to the Sea Territory with the best range with the Dark King.

Then, the bubble balls were released.

And Shiki is on their side.

"Okay, here comes the bubble."

"Kukuli, it's your turn."

Shiki also said directly.

"Hehe, this kind of action is really interesting!"

Kukuli said, and also picked up a special skewer.


With the sound of a shovel, countless special bullets flew out.

"Boom boom boom..."

A huge explosion sounded.

"dong dong dong..."

At the same time, Jin Hao also received a signal.

I directly waved my fists and quickly thumped the Red Line continent.

The explosion and the thud sounded simultaneously.

And Morgans brought countless seagulls, wearing a camera Den Den Mushi, and started the live broadcast directly!

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