One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 617

With the start of the connection here, the live broadcast will begin wherever there are screens in the world.

"Damn, what are these guys going to do?"

At this time, Im between the flowers was also restless.

Although she is also making some preparations and actions for Xiao's organization, it has always been done in secret.

But now, people are calling directly at the door.

Furthermore, did this guy Morgans also get together with the Akatsuki organization?

The live broadcast started immediately, and the whole world is now watching their reactions.

This battle must be won!

Otherwise, Celestial Dragon will lose its face as World Nobles.

"Lord Yimu, are we going to activate the Heavenly King now?"

At this time, Gorosei also came to Yimu Hall and asked directly.

"Using all the power, must keep these guys."

"That guy Jinhao, I'll deal with it, you are responsible for the others."

< p>"The other party has a Dark King, so let the Heavenly King stand by."

After Im gave the order, he also disappeared directly here.

As Im left, Gorosei also began to move.

All Celestial Dragons throughout Mariejois are directly into the reserve.

The guards and combatants were all dispatched.

At the same time, Sakazuki also received a notice from Commander Air that he needed to support Mariejois.

"World Nobles, hehe!"

"Let's go, this time Akatsuki organizes such a big event, let's go and see it."

"Borsalino , I will do my best for a while, let the world see the power of our Marine!"

Sakazuki also said directly to Kizaru who was cutting his nails.

"So terrifying!"

"With those powerful guys gathered together, we will be in danger in the past, right?"

Borsalino still had a look on his face Calmly also terrifying!

"Ye Tong, Gion took some people to stay at the headquarters, and everyone else left!"

"Ye Tong, go to the assembly."

Sakazuki quickly said.

Subsequently, hundreds of Vice Admiral's in Marine received messages to go to Mariejois.

Even if they were out on a mission, they all started heading towards Mariejois.

As for Dolok and Dokal, they were picked up by the Marine research team two days ago and went to Vega Punk to install prosthetics.

Although Dokal is a life fruit, for some reason, his arm cannot be regenerated.

So, we also went with us.

In Ye Tong's villa.

"Ye Tong, isn't this a bit too big?"

"Now that the Marines are all attacking, the Celestial Dragon is also all out."

" Dragons, will they be in danger?!"

Gion said worriedly.

Although they are very powerful and have Dark King guarantee and protect.

But Ye Tong told them that Celestial Dragon is in control of the Heavenly King!

When the time comes, this will not guarantee their survival.

"There will be no danger."

"I have already made arrangements."

Ye Tong is simply not worried and is still cooking porridge.

"But, in such a situation, it's simply not good to act!"

Gion was still very worried.

Although most of the battle strengths are their people, how can you act in such a situation?

That's why Gion was so worried.

"You don't need them to act."

"This time, half of our members will die."

"Also, our main battle strength, it's not the dragons!"

Ye Tong said with a playful look.

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