One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 623

At the same time, Dark King left here quickly with everyone.

Ye Tong went directly back to Marine Headquarters.

Then, continue to cook the porridge.

The next day, Marine returned one after another.

For a while, the entire world seemed to be suddenly quiet.

Whether it's Marine, World Nobles, Pirate, Akatsuki, Pirate Hunter...

All the existences related to the sea are dead.

As if the tranquility before the rainstorm is about to come.

Time passes slowly in this eerie serenity.

After one month.

"Ye Tong, don't walk around, I'm so flustered!"

Gion looked at Ye Tong who was dangling in front of him, a little confused. said patiently.

"But, I can't sit down!"

Ye Tong also said helplessly.

Now Hina is in the delivery room and he is about to become a father.

How could Ye Tong sit well under such circumstances?

This is the first time he has experienced such a thing.

The excitement and tension in my heart also exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

"Hina's health is very good, and the early examination is also normal."

"The doctor said there is no problem, why are you worried!?"< /p>

Gion touched his belly, also subconsciously said.


Although Gion was talking to him, the anxiety in his heart was still there.

Especially now that Hina has been in for almost half an hour, there is still no movement.

This situation made Ye Tong even more flustered.


At this time, a loud baby cry reached Ye Tong's ears.


"Congratulations to Lieutenant General Ye Tong, she is a girl."

At this time, the doctor also came out.

Holding a little guy in his arms, he said quickly at the same time.

"Good girl, good girl!"

"In the future, there will be another Her Highness the Princess who needs to be guarded."

Ye Tong too A flash step appeared in front of the doctor, and then took out a pendant and put it on the child.

This is made by Life Essence, and the little girl started absorbing Life Essence when she was in Hina's belly.

So, it's no problem to put this on him now and nourish her body.

"The doctor is in trouble."

"Gion, please help me take care of this girl first, I'll go see Hina."

Ye Tong explained After a sentence, he also entered the delivery room.

The blood on the ground and Hina, who looked pale, fell into Ye Tong's sight.

"Hina, are you okay?"

Ye Tong walked to Hina's side, grabbed Hina's hand, and said directly.

"Hmm, what about our child?"

Hina said weakly.

"The child is healthy and Gion is taking care of it."

"This is the potion I prepared before, you drink it."

"Yes Let you recover quickly."

Ye Tong took out a potion and put it to Hina's mouth.

This is purchased by Ye Tong from System, specially for postpartum pregnant women.

After drinking the potion, I felt tired.

Hina also slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Looking at Hina's gentle breathing, Ye Tong was also sighed in relief.

Afterwards, Ye Tong also hugged Hina horizontally and left here.


It wasn’t until night that Hina woke up slowly.


"Here, Yaya is sleeping now!"

Ye Tong grabbed it Hina's hand, said softly.

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