One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 624

After having Yaya, Ye Tong also stayed at Marine Headquarters for a month.

Despite the help of Life Essence, Hina made a full recovery within a week.

However, Ye Tong kept her at home for a month.

"Leader, leader."

When Ye Tong was playing with Yaya in the house, his ring also sounded the dragon's voice.

"Dragon, what happened?"

Ye Tong also said with some doubts.

Because the ring has a binding function, only the person wearing it will hear the sound of the ring.

So, don't be afraid to disturb others.

Of course I'm not afraid of being eavesdropped, because I can't hear anything.

"Now, someone has arrived at Raftel."

"How about the plan?"

Long also said directly.

"Who's here?"

Ye Tong is also a little puzzled.

You know, that Sea Territory is the Calm Belt in the center of the New World.

If you want to pass, it is not so simple.

Even if they have a map and no certain strength, they can't get through it!

"It's the Pirates of Moria."

"However, he didn't land on the island, he just arranged for the zombie army to go up."

"Because of this guy's It's special, so I asked."

Long also said directly.

Hearing this, Ye Tong was stunned.

Be aware that the person here is Moria.

There would be some problems if he were to publish Raftel's information.

After all, because of his particularity, Raftel's information could not be fully displayed in front of everyone in the world.

"Dragon, how are those scholars studying things?"

Ye Tong also said again.

"There are already results, which are similar to our guess."

"With these two things, it should be possible to show all the information here."


"It's just..."

Long was stunned when he said this.

"I see, do you want Luffy to see for himself?"

"I'm also a father now, so I can understand you."

"I see. p>

"Go and warn Moria to get him out of there."

"Then arrange for someone to clean up the Pirate near that area, and I'll also be dispatched to speed up the cleanup by the way."


Ye Tong slowly said.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the dragon was also sighed in relief.

After all, Raftel was his son's biggest dream.

If it was said that they would personally end Luffy's dream, he still couldn't bear it.

That's why Ye Tong was so relaxed when he said this.

"But Chief, this will delay our plans."

"You can't give him the green light just because he's my son!"

Then, Long also said a little apologetically.


"Aren't we doing all these things for them?"

"When considering everyone, You have to take care of your own little family!"

"That's how things have been decided, I'm ready to go."

Ye Tong cut off the connection after he finished speaking.

Afterwards, Ye Tong came directly to the courtyard.

"Hina, I'm going to go to sea."

"You and Yaya are waiting for me at home."

Ye Tong hugs Yaya Came in front of Hina, said slowly.

"Really, it's already a full moon, should you name him too?"

Hina said with some resentment.

"Groot Alice!"

"That's her name, I hope she will always be my Princess."

Ye Tong It also directly determined Yaya's name.

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