One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 634

After Fengyue cut off the link, Ye Tong knew that Fengyue didn't want to tell him anything.

In other words, Fengyue should have something to do after learning the news.

All in all, no matter what the situation is, this thing I found is not a good existence.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time!"

"Thunder Beast!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he directly called out a Thunder Beast.

He also blended in and headed for his cruiser.

After returning to the boat, Gion and the others were having afternoon tea.

"Ye Tong, are you back?"

"Come on, have a drink?"

Kuina also said to Ye Tong with a happy face.

After she told Ye Tong that she didn't want to return to China, Kuina's mood also became much better.

"en. ”

Ye Tong nods and sits aside.

Kuina's tea art is still good, and soon handed Ye Tong a cup of tea.

"Kuina, Gion."

"Have you heard of it, Evil God?"

Ye Tong drank the tea with a look on his face said calmly.

"Evil God?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Gion immediately shook the head and said with a little curiosity.

"I've heard of it, but isn't it a legend?"

"It is said that such monsters can affect people's minds."

"Even, it is possible to completely control human beings."

"Of course, I have only heard such a legend, but never seen it."

Kuina said quickly.

"I just came across such an existence on this island."

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Gion sat up straight and waited expectantly for Ye Tong to tell his story.

It's so hard to come across such a fun thing, how can you not listen to it?

"So, what kind of guy is that?"

Kuina also curiously asked.


Ye Tong explained everything that happened here.

The expressions on the faces of the two also changed.

Although they haven't seen such a strange existence.

But just listening to Ye Tong's description made them stand upside down.

If such an Evil God appeared beside them, what would they do?

The Mermaid Princess has Ye Tong to save them, but...

"Well, such a thing shouldn't be seen everywhere."

" You take one of my Avatars and head towards Raftel first."

"I'm going to Fishman Island, I have something I want to check!"

Ye Tong said quickly.

This time, Ye Tong wanted to tell Gion about the existence of Evil God.

One more thing, he's going to Fishman Island to find Neptune and Charlie.

"Go, remember to come back early."

Gion and Kuina, both with a look of understanding, said in unison.

"Thank you."

"Wait for me to come back."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also threw a Dark King cruise battleship and disappeared in the here.

"Gion elder sister, don't tell others about this kind of thing for the time being."

"This thing is very evil, it seems that the more people know about its existence, the more powerful it will be. Strong."

"So, let's not tell anyone for now."

Kuina said quickly.


"Then let's... continue drinking tea!"

Gion also said with a smile.

Since there is nothing to do, it is better to wait for Ye Tong to come back.

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