One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 635

Soon, Ye Tong arrived at Fishman Island.

After Ye Tong came here, he also quickly went to find Arlong.

After this guy was cleaned up by himself before, he admired Ye Tong very much.

Even took Ye Tong as his boss.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, you came so far to us, do you have anything to order?"

"Or, here you have Some secret plan of action?"

Arlong said quickly.

You know, Arlong also knows Ye Tong's identity.

So, he thought that Ye Tong came to find him because the Xiao organization had something to do!

"Arlong, let me ask you something."

"Do you know this thing?"

Ye Tong also took it out and picked it up before up necklace.

Although System has recycled it, Ye Tong can be exchanged for it.

This thing is made of special material, and Ye Tong also wants to find other clues on it.

"This is what my father left to my elder sister!"

"However, why is this thing in your hands?"

Arlong said quickly after seeing the necklace in Ye Tong's hands.

"This is given to me by your elder sister. I don't know if it's inconvenient to take me to see Ling Zun?"

Ye Tong directly stated his purpose.

Arlong was stunned after hearing what Ye Tong said.

What do you do when you see your father?

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, my father is already not in now."

"The oldest in the family is my elder sister."

"If If you want to know about this, ask my elder sister, you should know."

Arlong said directly.

As for Ye Tong, he is a prostrate oneself in admiration.

Especially after what happened last time, Arlong is even more admired.

Grot Ye Tong actually led the Xiao organization to fight against Mariejois, and said to the whole world that there can be no slaves.

And, before Sabaody Archipelago, he also rescued another merman, Princess Bluestar.

These things made Arlong convinced, and Ye Tong, who prostrate oneself in admiration, became a fan of Ye Tong.

"Well, I see."

"Then I passed."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared here instantly.

Then, instead of going to Charlie's bar, he went to Neptune.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, I don't know why you came to see me?"

Neptune also said directly.

"King Neptune, I'm here to find you this time because I want to know about Evil God."

"King Neptune, don't tell me you don't know?"

Ye Tong directly stated his purpose.

It wasn't something to be sneaky in the first place.

"Evil God?!"

Neptune froze.

At the same time, the surprise in his eyes betrayed that he knew some of these things.

"I met and killed one of them."

"And this one was out of your Fishman Island."

"So, I think Come and ask, do you know where these things come from."

Ye Tong took out a necklace and said directly.

Neptune was even more stunned after seeing the necklace in Ye Tong's hands.

This thing, he has already given it away!

He never thought in his life that he would see this thing again.

"It was indeed from our Fishman Island."

"It's just that I didn't expect to see it again."

"This one Things..."

Neptune also slowly said everything he knew.

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