One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 640

"Actually, I feel very familiar with this Evil God."

"At the beginning of our world, it seemed that something like this appeared."

< p>At this time, Bing Lun Wan also turned out, slowly said.

"Does these things appear in your world too?"

Ye Tong said in surprise.

After all, Evil God appeared here, which Ye Tong saw with his own eyes.

But isn't the world of the Crimson Crimson Eye, where Hingrenwan is located, also a fictional world?

Why does Evil God appear in this world?

If there is any connection between these two worlds, it is that both worlds are connected with Ye Tong's original world.

The two worlds are derived from anime.

impossible, these Evil Gods are all from Earth, right?

Ye Tong ranted about himself.

"What kind of existence was the Evil God you met at that time?"

Ye Tong slowly said.

Because Bing Lun Wan is also a kind of ability of Ye Tong, it also has the Power of God.

At the same time, the existence of Evil God can also be perceived.

"It's not quite clear."

"However, every time the empire changes, there will be this thing get involved."

"In the beginning, the dangerous species were massacre, it seems to be because of this guy."

"It was just too late when we realized it."

"There are a lot of things behind, I don't know. "

Bing Lun Wan also said helplessly.

After all, when it first came into contact with these creatures, it was already dead.

In order to keep his bloodline, he had to turn into a demon's temper.

"It can affect the direction of an empire. Sure enough, this thing is very dangerous."

"But Hirinwan, when will you be able to transform into a human form?"

"Also, can you not use my appearance?!"

Ye Tong said with a dissatisfied expression.

After he finished speaking, he also closed the panel in front of him.

"I don't want to be like you either, but I woke up because of you."

"So, if you want to transform into a humanoid, you can only use your appearance. ."

"I've always disliked the appearance of this body, it's not strong at all, and it's a little bitchy!"

Binglunwan said, and it changed quickly. Become an ice beast.

As if to say, this is the reason why I have never become like you, because I despise you!

Ye Tong was dumbfounded when he saw that Bing Lun Wan was funny.

Afterwards, Ye Tong began to recycle garbage and organize his own resources.

There are already big problems here, and my strength has not reached the level that I can not be affected by this world.

The most urgent thing right now is to improve my own strength.

Time passed slowly.

At this time, South Blue, East Blue, and North Blue have all been incorporated by the Xiao organization.

Even if it was an allied country, it was instigated by the Akatsuki organization.

Although she maintains her status as an ally, she has actually become a member of Akatsuki's organization.

While Celestial Dragon knew about these things, it didn't take action.

It seems to be planning something, and it seems to compromise.

And Sakazuki has been grooming since the last time she brought a large group.

And now the relationship between Marine and World Nobles is very delicate.

At this time, on the West Blue Sea Territory, the only one that has not been included, there is also a battleship organized by Akatsuki.

This piece of Sea Territory, formerly an Akagami hood.

Xiao Organization finally decided to take action against them.

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