One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 641

However, Ye Tong wasn't worried about their actions at this point.

To know that the current Xiao organization can be said to be a super powerful existence.

Whether it is the top expert, or the subordinate forces below.

None of the Yonko Pirates can compare.

Now, Ye Tong is on a voyage to the kingdom of Askar.

Four days later, Ye Tong arrived in the kingdom of Askar.

"This is the Kingdom of Askar?"

"It doesn't look like a kingdom at all."

Ye Tong looked at the forest in front of him The lush look, said with some sigh.

You know, this is a kingdom!

However, the sight in front of you is like a primordial forest.

Stop talking about buildings, at first glance, they are all trees.

I have to say that the ecology of this kingdom is indeed well maintained.

“who you are?”

At this time, a group of guard-like people appeared in front of Ye Tong, holding a standard long skewer, aiming at Ye Tong .

Because Ye Tong just went to see the scenery, he didn't notice the situation here for a while.

"I am Lieutenant General of Marine Headquarters, Grote Ye Tong."

"I hope to meet your king."

Ye Tong also said directly.

You must know that in many cases, the identity of yourself as a Marine is still very useful.

At least, for some small countries, a middle general has almost the same rank as their king.

This is why so many people choose to join Marine.

Because not only can you have a strong backer, but even through your own efforts, after becoming a general, you can return home!

Like Garp, let alone the king of a small country.

Even as the king of a big country, Garp still don't give face.

This world, to put it bluntly, is the world of fists.

"Lieutenant General Marine?"

"I said it's a little familiar, I have seen the report of Lieutenant General Ye Tong in the newspaper before."

"I just don't know, Lieutenant General Ye Tong wants to see our king for anything?"

"Our king has been busy recently!"

The guards headed by, Also said directly.

"What's wrong?"

"There is evil here, and I'm here to help you clear it up."

Ye Tong also said directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the guards here were stunned.

Afterwards, a green rays of light appeared in his eyes.

Soon the aura on the bodyguards changed, one after another green rays of light appeared, and the energy emanating from the body also became very powerful.

"Sure enough, are you all under control?"

Ye Tong said, snapping his fingers.

Countless lightning suddenly appeared, directly covering all the guards here.


Ye Tong walked into the island like a leisurely stroll with the sound of screams.

These guys have now been controlled by the demon sword. It seems that this guy also found himself here.

Now that you've found it, go say hello!


At this time, a strange sound came from somewhere.

"puff puff puff..."

Afterwards, a thorn spurted out directly from the ground.

And the surrounding trees have also become very strange.

These trees all showed their faces and attacked Ye Tong like living creatures.

Ye Tong has only seen this situation in Charlotte Linlin, didn't expect this guy to have this ability!

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