One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 692

"Hey! Shanks, big brother, what are you talking about?"

"What am I, I don't understand?"

Luffy Originally, I was not very good at this kind of things, and for a while, I asked directly.

ahhhh ~~~~

For a while, the Nami people were shocked.

You know, now one is Yonko Shanks.

The other is Grote Ye Tong, the leader of the world's first revolutionary organization, Xiao Organization.

This guy actually walked up and asked this question.

"Idiot, don't you know the situation?"

"This is the time to ask this?"

"Secondary goods!"< /p>

Ace also punched Luffy in the head, scolded loudly.

"Second brother, I..."

"However, I really don't know what it means!"

Luffy said with a look of grievance.

"What do you mean, I know."

"Goertek DRoger, do you know?"

"Ace's father, the first Pirate King. And the original battle of the Valley of the Gods was very fierce."

"Hero of the Marines, that is, your grandfather Vice Admiral Garp, joined forces with the powerful Pirate Goer DRoger at sea at that time, Shot on Patello D. Knox."

"With Knox Pirates members Whitebeard, Charlotte Linlin paddling wildly and trainee Kaido not helping."

"Knox was not defeated by Garp, Roger joined forces."

"This battle caused the destruction of the Valley of the Gods, which used to belong to Celestial Dragon."

" And when Roger left the Valley of the Gods, there were two more children on board."

"One is Buggy and one is Shanks!"

Sabo also said quickly.

Because he was originally a member of the Akatsuki organization, and his status was not low.

He can also access some secret information.

"Then why don't you say Buggy is a Celestial Dragon?"

"Also, even though Shanks is a Celestial Dragon descendant, he's always been with Roger."

"There's nothing wrong with this, right?"

Luffy said with some doubts.

After all, you have to admit that your idols are the ones who have always looked down on them, and even thought they were trash.

Luffy is still a little unacceptable for a while.

"This is not clear at the moment."

"But Buggy ate Devil Fruit. He wants to admit that he is a descendant of Celestial Dragon, and Celestial Dragon will not admit him."

"As Yonko's Shanks, he has never eaten Devil Fruit and has great power and strength."

"Will this be better?"

< p>Ace is also said with a smile.

At this time, Ye Tong and Shanks, who were originally facing each other, also poured a glass of wine and sat on the side listening to the three little ones discussing.

Don't say it.

Although they don't know much.

But when it comes to discussions, it's really clear and logical.

If Shanks hadn't known this wasn't the case, he would have believed it.

"What are you all looking at us doing?"

Ace lifting her head, seeing everyone staring at them, she said with some doubts.

"I think if you write the delusional record, many people will definitely read it."

After Nami said something, he also shook his head and left.

"Sir, I'm going to read."

After Robin said something, he also took his book and went back to his room.

As for Usopp and the others, they looked at Luffy with interest, hoping they could talk more.

The originally tense atmosphere became a little strange under the fiddling of their three people.

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