One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 693

"Hey Shanks, are you going to Raftel with me?"

"I'll say yes first, when the time comes must I go to the island first."

Luffy also said seriously.

Although Shanks is his idol, Luffy went out to sea with the heart of becoming a Pirate King.

Shanks was stunned after hearing Luffy's words.

"Hahahaha, Luffy, you brat."

"Really, sometimes I feel a little unbearable!"


At this time, Shanks suddenly disappeared in place.

When it appeared later, a knife had been inserted into Luffy's chest.


At this point, everyone was quiet.

"Shanks, you..."

"I...why, I'm going to be the Pirate King, to fulfill our promise."


Luffy had a look of disbelief on his face.

next moment, Ace and Sabo are also direct hands.

Although you don't know the reason for the other crew members, they did it too.

"Stop it all."

At this time, a familiar voice entered everyone's ears.

And this person is Luffy.

The pillar on one side suddenly cracked.

Luffy also walked out of it slowly.


Shanks looked at Luffy who was stabbed by himself in front of him, and then looked at Luffy who came out.

Somewhat confused.

"My Mudun Avatar, it's not bad."

"The ability and breath are imitated quite well."

"Also, Wood Dun has the ability to isolate Kenbunshoku, so you didn't find Luffy hiding in the pillar just now."

Ye Tong also said with some playfulness.

After all, he's been waiting for Shanks to do it.

Although he doesn't know what Shanks wants to do, he knows that Shanks' goal must not be himself.

Then there is only one person.

At first, he was sent into the sea, and then he was guided and laid out step by step.

The central figure in this event, Monkey D Luffy!

Even Ye Tong, who knew this goal, was a little stunned.

He didn't think that Shanks' purpose was to kill Luffy.

After all, if you want to kill him, you might as well kill him directly in Foosha Village.

Why wait until now when you are full-fledged and you are still present?

"As expected of the zero of dawn, able to convince Luffy to hide."

"Let an Avatar come to see me."

Shanks said indifferently, too. .

As if what just happened was as simple as taking a breath.

"By the way, I may have another identity you don't know."

"I'm Luffy's big brother!"

"It's that kind, A big brother who has been drinking and has a bond!"

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Have you ever had a drink?"

"Have a bond?"

"In this world, the most important thing is the brother, and the most lacking is the brother. "

"Luffy, remember."

"If you don't want to be imprisoned forever, you'd better die before you enter Raftel."

Shanks After speaking, jump straight up.

Get ready, get out of here.

Since what I have prepared has failed, there is no point in staying here.

"ka ka ka..."

"You want to leave now?"

"Don't worry, I, Sensei, still want to see you! "

Ye Tong said, and directly released his own cold air, freezing the entire sea.

Fengyue also walked out of the room slowly.

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