One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 703

"hehe, damn sorceress, let's continue!"

Zoro got a new knife and rushed to fight Sanji.

Seeing these two guys, Ye Tong felt a little helpless.

Sure enough, some things are really impossible to say.

It is a truth to love and kill each other with these two people.

"Usopp, this is the wen94 long-range sniper sniper prepared for you."

"See if it fits."


"Wow, this feels great!"


"Frank, this is a super alloy for you, in your hand, it should be It will turn into something more useful!"




"Chopper, this is Shennong Baicao Sutra..."

"Sanji, this is a set of kitchen utensils, there are all kinds of knives..."

"Ganot, this is... …”


Ye Tong also prepared a gift for everyone here.

Afterwards, Ye Tong also sat down.

Just saw that Ace merged with white flame, Ye Tong also had a plan in his heart.

I also have the ability of Mera Mera no Mi. If I can fuse together the flame of Amaterasu and the ability of Mera Mera no Mi, my strength will definitely increase.

And, the fusion ability is not only the same as the attribute.

With such a plan, Ye Tong also began to act.

The first and simplest is fire and flame.

With the ebbing of time, the flames on Ye Tong's body gradually became polarized.

At this point, Ace has woken up.

Because the amount of Amaterasu's flame is not very large, Ace has neutralized all of it and converted it into a part of the white flame that can be manipulated.

"This... the intensity of this flame, I don't think I dare to touch it after my elemental transformation."

Ace looked at the flame on Ye Tong's body and was also surprised said.

"Ace, they all play with fire, why did Big Brother set himself on fire?"

Luffy also said curiously.

“peng~ peng~! ”

next moment , there are two more big bags on Luffy's head.

One Ace and one Sabo.

"I think, at this time, we should all step back."

"It's better to get on the boat and get away from here."

" Big Brother's current situation is a little unstable, if such a fire breaks out, we will be affected so close."

Ace said with some worry.

"So, we... how about you people?"

Ace originally meant to say, we left together.

But next moment.

When he turned around, there was no one around.


"We're all on board, hurry up!"

At this moment, a big hand appeared Ace's side, grabbed Ace.

Directly, drag it over.


next moment, Ace also fiercely hit the Wanli Sunshine.

" you usually take your crew aboard like this?"

Ace pressed down his hat gently, said slowly.


"They all like this way, it's simple and fast."

Luffy also said proudly.

"I'm really... sorry for everyone."

"It's a shame to have an adventure with this idiot!"

"I'm sorry!"


Ace also took off his hat and bowed and apologized to everyone.

"It's okay, this guy is an idiot, we're all used to it."

Nami also said quickly.

At this time, Ye Tong's energy became more and more unstable.

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