One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 704

At this time, the energy on Ye Tong's side became more and more unstable.

"Crap, I can't control it."

Ye Tong was also anxious at this moment.

You know, I wanted to try it out.

But when the fusion started, Ye Tong found that things were simply not that simple.

Because both flames are powerful and both have their own will.

The flame of Amaterasu was originally the flame used by the Great God Tian Zhao, the flame of Mera Mera no Mi, although I don't know where it came from.

However, it is also an ability of the Evil God.

These two flames are not of the same kind at all.

When it was really integrated, there was also a big problem.

The two flames, let alone the fusion, produced the white flame of Ace.

Even when they first met, they started a fierce confrontation.

Before Ye Tong used these two flames separately.

The first time the two flames came into contact with each other, this happened, and Ye Tong was completely unprepared.

“System, use Life Essence!”

Ye Tong immediately chose to use Life Essence.

Although he can't move now, Ye Tong's mind can still move.

Life Essence is in the System panel space, so it can be used directly by System.

With the infusion of Life Essence, Ye Tong's body also recovered a little.

These two flames are like natural enemies.

After Ye Tong released it, he immediately started to devour the opponent, and even used Ye Tong's body as the battlefield.

Even with the physical strength of Ye Tong, it is necessary to use Life Essence to maintain your body.


At this time, after the two flames collided, a trace of energy leaked out.

Blow up the buildings on one side.

You know, this is the area that Ye Tong didn't dare to set foot in when he came to pick up the trash.

These energies are just like Leng Touqing, who is not afraid of anything.

"With such a powerful energy supply, I guess everyone here will be melted away?"

Sabo swallowed and said with some difficulty.

You know, although all three of them know, Ye Tong's strength is much higher than them.

However, there was an idea before that, through our own efforts, we could shorten the gap between them.

But now it seems that it is getting bigger and bigger.

Don't talk about the front, even if it's a little bit of energy from the side, it's not something they can compete with.

"Indeed, there are very few people who can carry such strength of energy in this world."

Joela Kerr D Fengyue also walked out slowly, slowly said.

Hearing Fengyue say this, everyone was even more worried.

You know, Fengyue is a super powerhouse.

"If he can succeed, he will stand at the top of this world."

Feng Yue felt the breath of Ye Tong and said again.

Hearing this, everyone was even more surprised.

And Ace is also playing with the flame in his hand, looking forward to it.

You must know that the flame in your hand is also fusion.

If you are strong to a certain extent, can you also stand in the Peak of the world?

"My little friend, your flame is still far from good."

"Let's improve, let's see your big brother."

Wait for Ace to be happy When he got up, Feng Yue stabbed him directly.

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