One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 877

"I'll watch it first."

"Fengyue, are you still..."

Jin Hao said here, but also stunned Living.

"Yeah, I can't forget it!"

"When we were together, we were so happy laughter and cheerful voices."

" And, you know, when Avril turned into a virtual puppet, we both were also responsible."

"If it wasn't because we couldn't do it, she wouldn't have to suffer like this now. It's over."

Feng Yue also said again.

Hearing this, Jin Hao was also sighed and stopped talking.

What happened at the beginning, whether it was him or Fengyue, was forever pain.

Even after so long, it's still a little uncomfortable to think about it.

"Okay, take care of this brat here, I'll go out and breathe."

"If you have anything, just contact me."

< p>After Feng Yue finished speaking, she also left the house and went outside.

He stepped directly on the ground and disappeared here.

Afterwards, on the top of a mountain in Raftel, Feng Yue took a pot of wine and drank it herself.

"Come here, just come out."

"Why, are you going to come to trouble me now?"

Feng Yue took a sip of wine Afterwards, he said indifferently.

"You guys are still so confused."

"Did I come to look for you, do I have to do something to you?"

"It's not that you don't know that my consciousness and her consciousness are fusion, not swallowing."

"She remembers you, and I will always remember you."

This At that time, Avril also appeared here from the Space Crack on the side, and said with some resentment.

After hearing Avril's words, Feng Yue's little finger moved.

"She's dead."

"The person in front of me is nothing but a puppet."

"If you want If you use this body to talk to me, I can't guarantee that I won't shoot at you."

"Also, remember to stop looking at me with the eyes she looked at me."

< p>"It's disgusting!"

Feng Yue took a few sips of wine again and said indifferently.

Yes, they were on a boat.

Feng Yue, Jin Hao, Avril Lavigne, Roy.

The two are lovers. After the adventure is over, they will find a place to live in seclusion to marry and have children.

But, God played a big joke on them.

Virtual eruption.

Countless phantom souls and various strange creatures, spirit species, Evil God appeared in this world.

As one of the most powerful Pirates on the sea at that time, they also shot directly.

The battle at that time can be said to be heaven shaking, earth shattering.

In the end, the entire world was transformed into what it is now.

Red Line continent, only some ruins were left.

Just when they were glad they survived, something more terrifying happened here.

Some of the powerhouses are involved in the battle, and suddenly the unfathomable mystery goes berserk.

And then used some strange abilities to dislike foul wind and bloody rain on the sea.

At this time, Avril was also one of them.

The first person who noticed her change was Feng Yue.

"Feng Yue, are you a fucking man!?"

"Kill me! Kill me!"

"You want Let me become the kind of existence that is not human, not a ghost!"


These words, even now, are still vivid in my mind!

This is why Feng Yue said such words after Ye Tong was in a coma before.

He didn't start, so he has the current Avril!

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