One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 878

This is why, now that Avril is here, Fengyue will behave like this.

However, if such a thing happens again, it is estimated that he will not be able to do it.

"I know, you still love me."

"Want to be with you, not just by myself! It's also her consciousness Yes."

"And this time I came here just to see you."

As Avril said, she also jumped directly from Kong Konglong's body and appeared In Fengyue's side.

Facing Avril who appeared beside her, Feng Yue's body froze.

Without waiting for Feng Yue to say anything, Avril threw herself directly on top of him.

The soft touch made Feng Yue not know what to do for a while.

You know, this sense of touch was very familiar to Fengyue at the beginning.

However, it is still the same feeling now that the person around me is no longer that person.

"Avril, I really love you."

"So, I think you should also know how much I hate you!"

"If it weren't for your presence, our lives simply wouldn't be disrupted!"

"I wouldn't be in this category now, watching you make a fool of yourself!"


After Feng Yue finished speaking, the long knife in her hand was also cut out instantly.

He directly cut Avril behind him in half.

Strangely enough, Avril simply doesn't have anything going on here.

Not a drop of blood came out, and the body quickly recovered.

"You're still like this. You know you can't do any harm to me, so you're so decisive, right?"

"Fengyue, let me tell you, I'm not this time. I came to fight you."

"We have no reason to fight."

"Because my body is your former lover, and then I also tell you something. "

"Void, it's coming soon."

"I hope, when the time comes you choose to be a puppet, don't die!"

< p>After Avril finished speaking, she also jumped up and landed on Kong Konglong's head.

Then, burrowed into a space on one side, and was disappeared.

After hearing Avril's words, Feng Yue also knew that such a thing was not groundless.

This time Ye Tong came over, only to touch the emptiness here.

Such an outbreak occurred directly.

Such a situation is a precursor to the imminent outbreak of virtual reality.

"Damn, why can't I make up my mind?!"

Fiercely slammed the ground and said with some annoyance.

It can be said that he is selfish, but in the face of some things, he really can't do it!

Although he is a powerful existence, he is still a person!

Faced with such a thing, my heart will also be shaken.

"Go back and change for Jin Hao."

"Long song and wine, how helpless is life?!"

Feng Yue stepped on her own breeze , disappeared directly here.

On the top of the mountain, there is still a jug of wine.

A slender hand reached out from the space and took the jug of wine away.

After returning here, Jin Hao sat in the yard with a depressed expression.

"Jin Hao, why did you come out?"

Feng Yue said with some doubts.

"I want to go in too!"

"The energy in him is attacking me, I can't fight a comatose man, can I?"

, Jin Hao said with an unhappy expression.

As soon as Feng Yue left, a powerful aura erupted from Ye Tong, forcibly expelled him.

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