One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 894

"Stop howling!"

"Little demon, let's go."

Ye Tong said and walked straight forward .

The little demon pouted and left here with Ye Tong.

Blackbeard got up and looked at Ye Tong and the little demon who were slowly disappearing from his sight, with a wry smile on his face.

Sure enough, what you have to do is to pursue your own freedom!

Now, as a member of Akatsuki's organization, as long as he doesn't do bad things, he can go all over the world.

"Captain, what are we going to do now?"

Fan Augur walked up to Blackbeard and said directly.

"Let's go, it's time for us to pursue our dreams."

"Freedom, we're free on this ocean!"

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he also walked towards his ship.

"I said Young Master, why don't you speak all the way?"

"Also, why don't you look at your servant?"

< p>"Is your servant so unbearable to look at, do you look at your servant?"

"Is there anything you need me to help nag with Young Master? Does your shoulder count? Ah, do you need me to give you a massage?"

"your servant is a little bored, can Young Master talk to your servant?"

…………< /p>

On the way, the little demon here has been in Balala...

Ye Tong has some headaches.

If you talk to this guy, Ye Tong here will use Bingxin immediately.

However, Bing Xin's ability is not good for the body!

And Ye Tong doesn't want to get along with other people in this state.

"Can you be quieter?"

"We are going to Green Forest now, and you should also know what kind of place to go."

" When you get there, someone will talk to you."

Ye Tong said helplessly.

Now, Ye Tong just wants to return to Green Forest quickly at this time.

Then, give the little demon to the girls to Warden.

In this case, there shouldn't be any problems, right?

"All come back!"

Ye Tong lifted his hands and directly called back all three of the three people here.

"Tiomaus, go to Colorful Island!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also sat directly on top of Tiomaus.

"Your servant will come up too, this bird is having fun."

"I...ka ka..."

Not waiting for the little demon to finish speaking, Bing Lun Wan directly released the ultimate ice, freezing the little monster here.

"Ice God's Coffin!"

"Ice God's Coffin!"

Ye Tong and Xue Ying were also at this time and used Ice God at the same time Long coffin!

Finally, the little demon's voice disappeared.

"Ai, let's go!"

Ye Tong sighed, and then also said to Tiomaus.

Afterwards, they just disappeared here.

By the time Tiomaus stopped, they were already on the Grand Line.

However, there are no islands here.

The endless blue sea made Ye Tong confused.

The last time I entered it and then came out, I also came out from here.

But this time I came here, why is it not here anymore?


Ye Tong lifting his own hands and disappeared here.

But then, it still appeared on this sea.

The island of colored mist here has disappeared.

"No, where are the islands over here?"

Ye Tong looked towards the surroundings with a confused look on his face.

When I was originally positioned, I was positioned in the sea.

If I knew it earlier, I was positioned on the island.

"Master, I know where this island is."

At this moment, Xue Ying on the side spoke.

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