One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 895


Ye Tong also asked quickly.

After all, this is the only way to get to Green Forest.

Let's go, we still need to hunt spirit species here!

In short, I can't run back here to find Fengyue, and then let Fengyue take me to find another way.

When the time comes, there are too many positions to be positioned in, so I have to forget.

"When I came out, I located it there."

"Let's go!"

After Xue Ying finished speaking, she lifted her hand , press.

There is also a crack here.

Ye Tong followed Xue Ying into it, and soon the crack disappeared.

By the time they appeared, they were already on the island of colorful clouds.

"Hey, didn't expect you to be very useful when it's critical."

"This is for you."

Ye Tong also took out a few spirit seeds and threw them to Xue Ying.

"Thank you boss!"

Xue Ying said with a satisfied face after absorbing the spirit seed.


At this time, a familiar voice entered Ye Tong's ears.

"Are you...Kinemon?!"

"Momonosuke, Kanjuro..."

Ye Tong also saw the person here clearly , said suspiciously.

He never thought that he would meet their entire group here.

"Groot Ye Tong?"

"Why are you here on the island of final election?"

Momonosuke walked out, said solemnly.

You know, this is the big secret of their Kozuki family, even some powerful existences, even Celestial Dragon, don't know the situation here.

But even if he doesn't believe it, now Ye Tong and the others are really here.

"That's right."

"Although I don't know what the secret you're talking about is, the thing I want to do most right now is hit you!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he instantly appeared in front of Momonosuke.

He punched out.

Momonosuke was kicked out before he could react.

Just when Kanjuro and the others wanted to make a move, they were also stopped by Xue Ying.

With everyone here, they are not the opponents of Xue Ying and the three of them.

Even if they had a replica of Kaido, there was nothing they could do against the three.

As for Momo nosuke, Ye Tong was beaten in an inhuman form.

For some reason, Ye Tong always gets the most primordial anger when he sees this guy.

Sure enough, this is the most primordial desire of being a hammie.

After beating the guy half to death, Ye Tong turned and left.

Momotaro stood up.

"Damn, why do I see this guy no matter where I am?"

Now, his whole body feels like it's falling apart.

"Young Master, are you all right?"

Kenjuro and Kinemon also quickly came to Momonosuke's side and said quickly.

"It's okay, my fruit ability has been awakened and can be recovered quickly."

After finishing speaking, Momonosuke slowly stood up.

"The most important thing right now is not the thing I was beaten here. If this guy finds that thing first, our arrangement over the years will be over."

" Hurry up!"

After Momonosuke finished speaking, he also quickly entered the colorful island.

At the same time, another group of people also came here.

"Finally found a temporary stop?"

"Shanks, are you going in?"

Ben Beckman said with a puzzled look.

"Almost, it's time to go in."

"Come out."

After Shanks finished speaking, a huge shadow also appeared behind him.

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