“But it’s not right. The platform is that after I received the news from the world government-government, I said that there was an important figure of the world government-government. I asked someone to build a global live speech, but it seems that Undead Chen Qiang was mentioned in what you just said. This is obviously wrong!”

After hearing what Xia Li said, Neptune was even more puzzled. stand up.

“After all, it is just a prediction. I am not very clear about the specific situation, but that person actually appeared on the platform, and Undead Chen Qiang is there!”

Faced with Neptune’s doubts, Xia Li obviously couldn’t explain it, but she still believed her prophecy.

“Okay! I know, I will pay attention! You go back first, and be careful not to spread the news. After all, Undead Chen Qiang is a thorn in the eyes of the government-man of the world, I can I don’t want to wait for the prosperity that you said, but provoke the world government-government target.”

“Yes! Your Majesty! I understand, I will always pay attention to that platform! And I won’t spread this prophecy.”

Although not at all heard King Neptune’s statement, Xia Li still believed her prophecy and started her own preparations.


And when the whole world moved because of Chen Qiang’s prepared speech, Chen Qiang and his ship also took the downward current and came to the seabed.

And a Pirate Ship floating on the seabed appeared and stood in front of them. At the same time, there was also a huge and ugly Sea Beast.

When they found Chen Qiang, Chen Qiang and of course they also found each other. For a time, the two sides stopped in the deep ocean and looked at each other.

“Vander Deyken IX didn’t expect to meet him here. It seems we are destined to be very smooth!” When I saw the Pirate on the opposite side, it looked very shabby. Chen Qiang couldn’t help showing a smile when he was on the ship, and then said to Parker, Irvine, and Lin who had just rested behind him.

“Who is Van der Deyken IX?” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Lin was a little curiously asked.

“Van der Deyken IX is the captain of the flying Pirates, the descendant of the first generation Van der Deyken, Fishman, a broad-striped tiger shark, who claims to be an Ability User under the “target curse”, in fact It was the Devil Fruit Ability User who ate the “target fruit”. More importantly, this guy left a mark on Fishman Princess Shirahoshi, and kept throwing weapons at the place where Shirahoshi was. It was an unstoppable perversion. “

When Lin asked, Chen Qiang of course explained it to the other party.

“Yi! Baba fruit, it feels disgusting to hear the name!” After listening to Chen Qiang’s explanation, Lin involuntarily shivered, and then looked at the Pirate Ship in the distance with disgust.

“What do you want? You are the target of the target, not the fruit power you think!”

Seeing Lin’s expression, Chen Qiang immediately understood the other party. Once again, he thought about it crookedly, and gave her a blank eye, and then explained to Lin again.

“Although I am very happy, in such a deep sea, some people have heard of my reputation, but your blasphemy just now is unforgivable. The sea monsters sunk their ship for me! “

Here Lin just listened to Chen Qiang’s explanation, she understood that the other party was not the kind of fruit she thought, and withdrew the disgusting eyes, that is, at this time, the other party’s boat uploaded it. The voice was clearly the voice of Van der Deyken IX.

Before Chen Qiang and their conversation, not at all, they deliberately lowered their voices, so they happened to be heard all by the other party. When Chen Qiang introduced him, he was a little bit happy, but he didn’t expect it. The other party thought of himself as someone who had eaten that kind of disgusting fruit, which made him really unable to throw it away.

So he directly issued an attack order to the sea monster pulling the boat.

“Good Captain!”

After the sea monster listened to the order of Van der Deyken IX, without any hesitation, it directly nodded, and then ran forward quickly Two steps, they came to the position of Chen Qiang and their ship, and then raised their big fists, trying to smash them towards the Megatron.

Just before his attack fell, Megatron’s good front iron plate moved away, a huge muzzle appeared under Parker’s control, and quickly launched an attack on the sea monster.


A dull cannon sounded, and a huge beam of light appeared and attacked the sea monster, directly hitting him and flying out. At the same time, he There was also a huge hole in his chest.

Blood emerged from the huge wound, which directly stained the area around this area with blood red, and with the emergence of blood, more seabed fishes were attracted here, wanting to snatch this new The blood food that appeared, but these fishes were directly targeted by the muzzle on the Megatron before they arrived here, and then shot them in a round, directly stopping them at the periphery.


Such a situation, of course, fell in the eyes of Van der Deyken IX. Without any hesitation, immediately when the sea monster fell, He wanted to retreat.

Since I met, I still want to attack them. Of course, Chen Qiang will not let the other person go so easily, even more how if he gets the other person’s head at this time and then goes to Fishman Island, then Doing what you want to do is much simpler.

“Parker, start transforming, catch them.”

So without any hesitation, Chen Qiang directly asked Parker to activate Megatron’s transform function and catch Van der Day Ken IX.

And Parker didn’t hesitate, he was nodded, and he returned to his control room. After a while, Megatron turned into a huge robot, and the thruster behind it was activated. After that, the robot quickly caught up with the Pirate Ship that was running away.


The Pirate Ship that escaped was directly grasped by Megatron’s huge hand, and then without any hesitation, it directly pressed and sucked towards the seabed.


After a loud noise, this dilapidated Pirate Ship shattered directly under this pressure. The Pirates crew on board, Basically Fishman.

Except for their captain Van der Deyken IX who was taken away by a Fishman, the rest of the crew quickly escaped by relying on Fishman’s agility in the sea.

Of course, some bad luck crew members who were directly crushed by Megatron were crushed to death at the moment, but such people are a minority after all.


Faced with these Pirates who escaped from the Pirate Ship, the Megatron’s actions were not at all stopped, and another sound of mechanical rotation appeared, and then Rows of small muzzles appeared on the chest and fired quickly at the Pirates.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

In the dark seabed for a while, the low gunfire continued to sound, and the Pirate who fled, one by one Under the care of the bullets, blood stained the sea and died here.

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