After Chen Qiang joined their discussion, and after discussing some details, the conference call ended and all went to prepare.

At the same time, after hanging up the phone, a platform was slowly built up on Fishman Island, and the same things were happening continuously all over the world.


South Blue, Karev Kingdom, among the magnificent palaces.

The officials are discussing some arrangements for the country with the king.

When they finished discussing, a minister walked out from among the courtiers, and first gave a salute to the king, and then said to the king.

“Your Majesty, this small official has something to tell!”

“Diplomat, what do you want?”

The king who was going to go back to rest, At this time, I heard someone say that there was still something, and reluctantly sat down in my position again and asked that person.

“reporting to Your Majesty, just before this small official received news that there is a live broadcast on the world government-government side, and we need to organize the citizens to watch it!”

“The news from the world government and the government will be broadcast live? What the hell is it?”

After hearing the words of the diplomat, the king was obviously a little puzzled. After all, they had Here, it was also broadcast live according to the instructions of the world government, but the signal was cut off when half of it was seen.

“It seems to be because of the previous war, what are the follow-up arrangements!” Facing the king’s question, the diplomat replied calmly.

“What the hell is it? You want those untouchables to watch it together? Don’t you be afraid of being as embarrassed as the last live broadcast?”

“Your Majesty, this is The order from the world government-government side, after all, we are the world government-government ally! In this case, it’s better not to say it casually!” Seeing the king say this is not the world government-government, the minister next to him is at this time. Aloud to remind.

“Okay! You can arrange it yourself! Anyway, I don’t want to participate in these boring things. If I have the skills, I might as well find two untouchables to play!”

“Yes !”

After the king gave the order, the diplomat directly took the order to arrange the live broadcast. As for what the king said just now, not at all changed his expression.


In the first half of the Grand Line, in a relatively small island, this time it is also said that it was ordered by the world government to install live broadcast equipment in the center of the island.

Marine on the island made a special call to inquire about this matter after knowing it, and the answer was all permission, so it did not organize the behavior of these people, and even sent troops to help protect it. The safety here.


Such things are driving on the islands above the sea. Of course, there are more than just Revolutionary Army actions. The most important thing is that through the Den Den Mushi monitor that Chen Qiang gave to Sabo before, Revolutionary Army has also developed a Den Den Mushi technology that can directly convert signals and disguise as Marine Headquarters.

With multiple arrangements, this plan has also started completely.

At this time on Fishman Island, a huge Fishman fish in the Fishman Café was in a room looking at the crystal ball in front of him with surprise.

This person is the boss of Fishman Café, Xia Li, and she is also the only prophet on Fishman Island. Many of her predictions have been fulfilled, but I don’t know why. Her previous predictions are always some. Very bad things, so she rarely proactively predicts something.

I just don’t know what happened today. A strong hunch made her return to the Fishman coffee shop and took out her crystal ball to look at it.

And what really surprised her was that this time she predicted that what she saw was not news of destruction, but a man, standing on a huge platform with a group of people underneath. Shouting Fishman or mermaid.

Of course, in addition to this scene, there are many various scenes appearing in the crystal ball, which made her discover from it, no matter what the man said on the platform , But it will excite the people on the fish island.

And he saw these things in the crystal ball, and from these pictures, he infers that this person will be the Savior of their Fishman Island, as long as he follows his steps, the entire Fishman Island People will get what they want.

Although he has not seen this person, she does know the person standing next to this person in the picture. She is wearing a red long trench coat and carrying a fourteen-style Chen Qiang on her back.

Based on this information, it can be judged that this person should have come here with Chen Qiang, so after receiving this information, Xia Li couldn’t control it and rushed out of her room. , And then quickly rushed towards the Dragon Palace, trying to tell the news to the King of Fishman Neptune.

“What did you say? Fishman’s Savior showed up?” After receiving Xia Li into the Dragon Palace, the king personally met the opponent and listened to the opponent to say what he had predicted. After listening to the other party’s words, the king shouted out in surprise.

“Yes, from the prophetic picture, Na Shinobu is indeed the Savior of our Fishman Island. He can completely get rid of our current destiny.”

Xia Li is now She was also very excited. After all, her previous predictions were always bad things. She didn’t expect that the first time she predicted a good thing, it turned out to be related to the fate of the entire Fishman Island. How could she not be excited.

“Can this matter be confirmed?”

But after all, it’s the king. There is still some determination. After being surprised, he quickly calmed down, and then Confirmed to Xia Li.

“Although some pictures are blurry, I can be sure that when that person appears on Fishman Island, our Fishman Island will develop in a good direction. And I believe it will not be until the time he arrives. It will be too far away.”

Xia Li shook her head first, then nodded, before continuing.

“How did you determine the time? I remember your previous predictions did not have the ability to determine the time.” Although there are still some doubts, Neptune still chooses to believe in Xia Li, after all, no matter what Considering that this kind of thing is not harmful to them, but some doubts are how Xia Li knows that the person is about to arrive.

“This is the king Your Majesty. On the way I came, I saw a tall platform in the center of the island, and the style was exactly the same as I predicted, so I guessed the distance It shouldn’t be too long for that person’s arrival.”

Xia Li quickly spoke out the basis for her speculation.

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