After hanging up the phone, Chen Qiang and the others repaired the seabed for a day before letting the Megatron surface, and then headed for an island they had obtained from Sabo.

As for why it was the newly given island address, it was because after the previous incidents, Chen Qiang found that no matter where they went, they would be quickly found by the people of Marine and cp3 organization.

This made Chen Qiang suspect that someone in his team was marked by the opponent, or heavier equipment or something was placed, so he was found by the opponent so quickly.

Just like the last time Begapunk called them, he told Chen Qiang that Lin’s within the body was injected with a biomechanical that can be tracked, and then Begapunk It’s just taken out.

After knowing that there was this thing, Chen Qiang had to wonder if there were similar things on the people on his ship, so for safety reasons, Chen Qiang and Sabo discussed it and changed the control. Meet at the island in the hands of the Revolutionary Army.

In this way, even if Marine followed Chen Qiang and the others, it did not matter if they found the island. After all, the island itself belongs to the Revolutionary Army and has a strong guarding force on it.

Unless Marine uses Buster Call, or dispatches Admiral-level battle strength, otherwise the guards on this island are absolutely sufficient.

So their meeting was changed to this island.

After the crew was almost trimmed, Parker drove the Megatron toward the island based on the chart given by Sabo.

If Sabo hadn’t given Chen Qiang their chart, Chen Qiang and the others might not have been able to get there smoothly. After all, the climate in New World is more changeable. The ships caused by the strange weather were destroyed.

Such things are not uncommon in New World. Think about the Supernovas who were with Luffy in the anime. After entering New World, you will understand that they want to sail safely in this place. , Unless you have a chart or a powerful Navigator to lead the team.

If you don’t sail in such a weird Sea Territory, it’s really hurtful, and it won’t last long.

Of course, even if you have a chart, it is not that simple to reach where you want to go, and there may still be something weird in the middle.

Inferior to Chen Qiang, they just marched towards that island. Without today’s time, they encountered very strange things.

This morning after everyone washed up and ate breakfast together, Chen Qiang, as usual, managed to fish on the boat while telling stories to Lin, and at the same time, he was constantly comprehending himself Way of Sword.

After Hulk finished eating, he began to run a circle around the peach forest. Ivan also raised a chair and sat not far from Chen Qiang and the others. While reading a book, he listened to Chen Qiang’s stories.

And Parker, after eating, first went to look at the Devil Fruit that he planted before, and saw Devil Fruit as stated in the information. After a few days, it had already started. After germination, he returned to his laboratory.

While adjusting the special nutrients that Devil Fruit mentioned in the information above, he was immersed in optimizing his armor.

If nothing happens, today should be another peaceful day.

But after an hour or two, in the sky suddenly became clouded, and the waves began to roll with the sea breeze.

It’s just a time to breathe. It’s just ten thousand li and cloudless weather, and it starts to cloud lightning flashes and thunder rolls, a scene of the doomsday.

Of course, Chen Qiang, who has been sailing for a few days in New World, did not panic. After all, they had encountered such a thing once in the past few days. There will be no accidents when the ship leaves this range quickly.

So this time Chen Qiang and the others were not at all as nervous as last time, but Parker took the shot, adjusted the speed of Megatron, and prepared to get through this area quickly.

But at this time, on the surging sea, a small boat suddenly appeared above the sea, and then quickly approached Chen Qiang and their boat.

As soon as this small boat appeared, Chen Qiang noticed the other party’s existence, his eyes sharpened for a moment, and looked towards the other party.

After all, the appearance of this boat is too weird. This has to attract Chen Qiang’s attention. You must know that Chen Qiang, because of this situation before, not at all pays too much attention to the surrounding situation. , But there is still some alertness.

Just now, he didn’t even notice how the boat appeared, as if it had emerged out of thin air, it was very strange.

Especially when the boat was approaching towards them, Chen Qiang didn’t care to continue telling the story just now. Putting down the fishing rod in his hand, he looked towards the other party, and his vigilance also increased. The highest, if there is anything wrong, Chen Qiang will take action.

And of course Lin next to Chen Qiang also noticed Chen Qiang’s movements, so following Chen Qiang’s gaze towards that place, she also saw the small boat and was ready to fight at any time.

Others didn’t find out what was wrong so quickly. They only waited until they found Chen Qiang’s movements before they thought they might have found something wrong, and they hurriedly moved closer to where Chen Qiang was.

Not many meetings, except for Parker who was still driving the ship, everyone else was attracted by the actions here and quickly came to Chen Qiang’s side.

And when a few people came here, the boat was about to reach their location.

At this time, I can see the things on the boat clearly. I saw that this boat is just a very ordinary boat. If there is any difference, it is that the boat looks a lot more broken .

But the weirdness is weird in this place, like such a broken boat, it is simply impossible to sail in such rolling waves, but the other party just drove in front of Chen Qiang and the others.

Moreover, on the boat that looked like no one in the distance, when it got closer, there was suddenly a person wearing a black windbreaker on the boat.

“Brother Qiang! Could that be the ghost in your story?”

Seeing such a weird scene, Lin approached Chen Qiang subconsciously and then hid Behind him, he whispered to Chen Qiang.

“Don’t be afraid! Even if this thing is a ghost, there is nothing terrifying!”

After hearing Lin’s words, Chen Qiang lowered his head and laughed and said. Come looked towards the silhouette that suddenly appeared on the boat.

“Little brother, sailing is hard. Would you like to buy a bowl of porridge from the old woman?”

Under the gaze of Chen Qiang and the others, the boat quickly approached them And the people on the boat also lifted their heads at this time.

The face of an old lady appeared under the windbreaker, matching the lightning flashing in the sky, it looked terrifying.

At this time, the old lady took out a large white bowl from under her clothes. A piece of blood-colored porridge in the bowl appeared in the eyes of Chen Qiang and the others, and the old lady at this time He smiled and said to Chen Qiang and the others.

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