Chen Qiang and the others not at all answered the old lady’s question, because at this time, they felt a trance, and when they looked towards the surroundings again, they found the dense clouds just now Has been disappeared.

The sky has once again returned to the original ten thousand li appearance of a clear sky, but strangely, in the direction of their advancement, an island suddenly appeared, just like when the old lady appeared just now. , Appeared in front of them silently.

At this time, the old lady was indeed completely unaffected by the surrounding changes, but once again passed the scarlet porridge in her hand to Chen Qiang and the others and said.

“Little brother, it’s a hard voyage. Would you like to buy a bowl of porridge from the old woman?”

It is precisely because of the other party’s words that just because of the changes outside , And the distracted people once again set their sights on this old lady.

“I don’t know, what is the effect of this porridge?”

For this old lady, Chen Qiang still didn’t relax his vigilance, but he didn’t kill her directly. He just saw her Wanting to let herself and the others buy the porridge in her hands, Chen Qiang asked carefully.

“This is just ordinary porridge. If you really want to say there is any effect, there is only one kind, and that is to eliminate human fatigue!”

Obviously this old lady I didn’t expect Chen Qiang to ask such a question, so he was obviously shocked before speaking to Chen Qiang with a warm smile on his face.

“Why does the little brother want to buy a bowl?”

After speaking, the old lady Zai Ci lowered the scarlet porridge in her hand in front of Chen Qiang and said.

“I do have an idea to buy, but before I buy, I want to ask, about the small island in front, I wonder if the old lady can give me some answers?”

Chen Qiang was nodded first, and then asked to the other party again, but in the process, Chen Qiang not at all meant to accept the porridge in the other party’s hands!

“Since the little brother wants to ask about the island, please buy a bowl of porridge, and you will naturally know about the island!”

I heard Chen Qiang After the question, the old lady didn’t answer his question at all, instead, she handed the porridge to Chen Qiang in front of him.

“That’s good! Old lady, how do you buy this porridge?”

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Qiang obviously hesitated. It’s weird, and Chen Qiang has to guard against it.

But just after the small island appeared just now, something even stranger happened, that is, their ships never moved in place no matter how they sailed.

After discovering such a situation, Parker hurriedly passed the control room and quickly told Chen Qiang the news. This is why Chen Qiang suddenly chatted with the old lady about buying porridge.

This is mainly because Chen Qiang wants to know from the other party how to leave here. As for buying porridge, it is just an excuse.

But obviously this old lady should also understand what Chen Qiang meant, so she still recommended her porridge to Chen Qiang, without telling Chen Qiang about the island.

There is no way that Chen Qiang can only ask the other party the price of this porridge.

When Chen Qiang asked about the price, the smile on the old lady’s face increased. It didn’t take a long time, she just passed the porridge directly to Chen Qiang’s hands.


When he saw the other party suddenly handing the porridge to his hand, Chen Qiang took it under his breath, and didn’t understand what was going on. , The old woman in front of her and the boat under her, just like when she appeared before, disappeared silently.

Only the bowl of porridge in Chen Qiang’s hands can prove that the other party has appeared before.

Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang and several people around him clearly felt something was wrong, and were about to say something and so on.

The bowl of porridge in Chen Qiang’s hands was suddenly red light at this time, and directly wrapped the Megatron under them.

Finally, the red light disappeared. The Megatron in the red light, Chen Qiang and the others already above, all disappeared on the surface of the sea.


Blue Star, at eight o’clock in the morning, Chen Qiang thought that the alarm clock set on the phone rang and was awakened from his sleep.

“I’ll go! It’s eight o’clock, I’ll be late for today’s interview if I don’t move!”

In a daze, Chen Qiang grabbed the phone beside the bed and looked at it. After a while, he immediately woke up, and at the same time quickly put on his clothes, still whispering in his mouth.

It took five minutes to wash up, Chen Qiang quickly rushed out of the rental room, and went downstairs, bought a breakfast in the breakfast shop downstairs, and then ate it. While running, I arrived at the bus stop on platform.

While eating breakfast, while swiping the phone, waiting for the bus to arrive.

Soon after a few minutes, the breakfast was finished and the waiting bus arrived. After Chen Qiang paid the bus fare with his mobile phone, he quickly came to the second half of the bus and found a spot Sit down and start to rehearse silently in the heart and wait for the upcoming interview.

The bus quickly shuttled through the city. After half an hour, Chen Qiang arrived at the interview site and got off the bus.

Standing downstairs in the company, Chen Qiang tidied his clothes, then took a deep breath and walked into the building.

After all, this interview is Chen Qiang, the first interview after graduation, so it is inevitable that Chen Qiang is still a little nervous. When meeting the interviewer, because he was too nervous, many questions were directly He answered incorrectly.

Although the last acceptance was a sentence from the other party to go home and wait for the notice, when Chen Qiang was leaving, seeing the other party shaking his head, he knew that the interview had failed.

As the saying goes, how happy I was when I came, how lost Chen Qiang was when he came out, but fortunately this was Chen Qiang’s first interview after graduation, and Chen Qiang was not successful. Discouraged, but outside this company, I just found a flowerbed to sit down and continue to post resumes online.

While constantly posting resumes on the job search website on the city wall, the phone in his hand rang at this time.

Looking at the name, it was Shan Yong, a good buddy in his dormitory, who called himself without hesitation.

“Hey! Brother Qiang! How about the interview? Have you passed it?”

“Brother Yong! The interview is over, but I feel it, it may not be successful!”

“It’s okay! This is your first interview. It’s normal to be unsuccessful. Just look at it a little bit, and you can accumulate experience!”

“I understand, so I I’m still submitting resumes online now!”

In the face of Shan Yong’s comfort, Chen Qiang was also laughed, and then said to the other party.

“It’s good to understand! By the way, do you have anything in the afternoon, come over to get together in the evening!”

I heard Chen Qiang say that it’s okay, and the other party is not talking about it. What was said above, but inviting to Chen Qiang and said.

“Why? What’s the happy thing? Did you succeed in the postgraduate entrance exam, Brother Yong?”

When he heard the other party invite him to get together, Chen Qiang immediately thought of Shan Yong. I am in the postgraduate entrance examination, and now I call myself to organize a dinner. Obviously there is something happy about it. Apart from the success of the postgraduate entrance examination, Shan Yong as a single dog has nothing to be happy about.

“A fluke, it’s just a fluke! I have already notified Brother Hong and Brother Fang, so I’m going to miss you. Remember to come at night! See you in the old place outside the school!”

“Okay! I’m here to submit some resumes and come here!”

When he heard that the other party had no objection, Chen Qiang knew he had guessed it, so laughed happily and assured the other party.

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