Chen Qiang still agrees with Sabo’s words, so after the other party’s words were uttered, Chen Qiang not at all rushed to answer his questions.

Instead, after saying something to the other party and waiting, he turned back and returned to his room, and soon turned into his room. He took out a black suitcase and placed it in Sabo. In front of.

“What is this?”

Sabo looked at the box Chen Qiang placed in front of him strangely, and looked up towards Chen Qiang with some confusion and asked.

“You’ll know when you open it!” Chen Qiang not at all answered Sabo’s question directly, but motioned to the other party to open the box and take a look.

“en? Finger?”

For Chen Qiang’s sign, Sabo also consciously opened the box in front of him and looked into it, only to see what caught his eye. Yes, with a row of fingers enclosed in ice cubes, Sabo was completely surprised this time.

“Yes, it is the finger, and it is the finger of all the crew on our ship!” Chen Qiang nodded, then explained to Sabo.

“Why is it a finger? What’s the point of doing this? Isn’t it…”

Sabo looked towards Chen Qiang even more strangely, wanting to know the other party in the end Why do you want to do this, it’s just that when he saw Chen Qiang, he seemed to think of something, so the expression on his face turned into surprise.

“Yes, just as you can imagine, under Lin’s ability link, all the crew members on my ship are now linked to me in their lives. As long as I don’t die, they will be fine! These remaining fingers were prepared to prevent us from being trapped somewhere and unable to escape smoothly!”

Seeing Sabo’s surprised expression, Chen Qiang directly took the other party’s words. , And then continued to explain.

“Really…” For Chen Qiang’s use of such a technique, Sabo suddenly couldn’t think of how to describe it.

“Hehe! in this world is not a popular saying, there are no useless abilities, only people who don’t know how to use them!”

When I saw Sabo, I wanted to say Something, but if you don’t know what to say and so on, Chen Qiang hehe Issho, and then each minding their own business said.

“Awesome! Now that you are prepared, then I can rest assured!” Seeing Chen Qiang’s confident expression, Sabo didn’t say much about this issue, but changed his style. , And continued to ask Chen Qiang other questions.

“Are you going to keep this thing with me, or are there any other arrangements?”

“Let’s put it with you first, when Ace comes, hand it in To him, after all, I don’t want to miss the battle behind him, so if I can’t make it up here, I can come and help him, when the time comes, as long as he takes my finger out and releases the freezing, I will I know the situation here!”

For Sabo’s question, Chen Qiang did have other arrangements, so after the other party asked the question, Chen Qiang pointed to a finger in the box. Then he explained to Sabo.

“Well, since this is your idea, I will help you give things to Ace!” After Sabo heard Chen Qiang’s words, he was also nodded, and assured Chen Qiang.

“hahaha, okay! You and I still believe it! Now that the story is over, do you want to have a drink together?”

Hearing Sabo’s guarantee, Chen Qiang haha ​​laughed, then closed the box, handed it to the opponent’s hand, and then asked the opponent again.

“Of course no problem! Go and drink!” Sabo is also a refreshing person. After kicking the box up, laughed and accepted Chen Qiang’s invitation, and followed him to the outside of the Chen Qiang room. In front of the stone tabletop.

Sitting naturally, waiting for Chen Qiang to take out a bucket of wine from his room, and then the two began to sit in front of the stone table and started drinking each other.

As the so-called banquet of the whole world, after Sabo took McGee and the others to bid farewell on the dock, Chen Qiang and the others still left Buckle Island and headed in the direction where the golden rays of light flew away. , Sail away.

As for why he went to this line of defense, Chen Qiang still has his own ideas, that is, the Golden Ox, obviously did not hide their own ideas.

The same thing I said to myself before, I want to take myself to meet that Heavenly God, so Chen Qiang has reason to believe that the other party not at all wants to conceal his deeds.

In addition, the shape of the golden cherub of the other party is very similar to the existence of a soul, and to a certain extent, the general soul cannot exist without special power to maintain it. Long time.

So when the two situations are added together, Chen Qiang has determined the direction that the opponent flew before, which should be where the Heavenly God is.


Just when Chen Qiang and the others were chasing the golden light, the golden light that flew away before now returned to the Skypiea that left before.

“Golden Ox, you disappoint me very much!”

At this time, the little golden angel formed after the death of Golden Ox, the moment he returned to the temple, He returned to the original form of Golden Ox, but his whole body became transparent at this time.

And he was kneeling on the ground, pleading Gabriel to Heavenly God.

“I’m sorry, my subordinates let you down!”

Hearing Gabriel’s plain tone, Golden Ox, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his head lower.

“hmph! If it weren’t for you, it’s still smart in the end. I used the light escape technique to guide them where we are, and successfully attracted them to come here. This time I will definitely let you I was tortured in purgatory for a hundred years.”

Gabriel said after looking down at Golden Ox, coldly snorted.

“Some masters forgive their subordinates!”

After hearing Gabriel’s words, Golden Ox’s face showed a happy expression, and then thanked him.

After all, after listening to the other party’s tone, Golden Ox knew that the other party had already forgiven himself, so why didn’t this make him happy.

Know that the so-called purgatory is not a good place. There is endless karma burning in it, and this kind of flame is aimed at the soul, which will make his soul in it all the time. Suffer.

If he stayed in it for a hundred years, Golden Ox had predicted that he would take over, that would be a complete loss of reason and then be abandoned.

Fortunately, when I died, I was clever again, knowing to give directions to the other party, and that Chen Qiang was also considered as a cooperation. After knowing the direction, he chased to my side, asking That’s not the case. Golden Ox wants to escape this punishment. It’s basically impossible.

“Go down, go to the following to choose a person with reasonable physical strength to have a body weight!”

For the joy of Golden Ox, Gabriel is not at all. What to say, just a flat voice toward Golden Ox.


After receiving the order excitedly, Golden Ox turned into a golden little angel again, flew out of the temple, and quickly released it towards Skypiea The attached island flew over.

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